65T Olifant Tank overturns on Van Reenen’s Pass

An Army Transport Vehicle carrying an Olifant Tank loses its brakes on Van Reenen’s Pass. The tank rolled off across the road.

According to the Ladysmith Gazette, on 20th June 2014 an army transport vehicle allegedly lost its brakes while coming down Van Reenen’s Pass. The driver attempted to stop the truck at an emergency arrestor bed which is specially designed to slow trucks if their brakes fail. The 65-ton Olifant main battle tank was thrown off the truck and ended up lying upside down on the north bound carriageway. Damage to the tank is unknown at this stage. A private breakdown service was used to remove the tank from the road, as the military recovery team was not able to reach the scene until much later the following day.



How do you manage to lose a 40 ton tank from a flat bed vehicle when it should only be doing crawl speed ? This is near the ‘Wig Wam Motel’ on a flat section of  the road.

Source: The Ladysmith Gazette: http://ladysmithgazette.co.za/21347/battle-tank-still-van-reenen/


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