History was made in America on 30 May 2024 when Trump became the first President, ex or otherwise, to be convicted of a felony. In fact he was unanimously convicted of all 34 counts of falsifying business records in his attempt to hide from potential voters his dalliance with a porn star. It will probably deal a huge blow to his re-election chances and make any political career for Don jnr a non-starter. After all, who would want to vote for Con Heir, son of Con Hair?
Occam’s razor is a useful tool when faced with confused situations. It is the problem-solving principle that recommends searching for explanations constructed with the smallest possible set of elements – the principle of parsimony. But then again, Trump is not known to be parsimonious, particularly with the truth.
Cutting through all Trump’s egregious insults and bluster – that the Judge is conflicted, that the liaison with ‘Horseface’ Stormy* did not take place, that it’s a nationwide conspiracy conceived and executed by an 81-year-old doddering fool, that the whole of New York City are Trump Haters etc, etc – and applying Occam’s cut throat razor, we are left with a few crisp questions:
- Was Trump attracted and did he succumb to the bold look and obvious charms of a porn star after inviting her for a private soiree in his suite in Trump Towers? YES
- Was he worried about offending woman voters particularly after his, ”grabbing them by the ‘kitty cat’ ”, tape came out? YES
- Does he have a history of trying to suppress his prurient relationships with woman? YES Evidence was given by the CEO of the National Enquirer, who bears him no animus, as to how they caught and killed Karen McDougal’s story of her long affair with Trump.
- Was Michael Cohen convicted of falsifying Trumps business records and given a 3-year sentence? YES
- Was Trump a party to the process and give his approval to Cohen to do what he had to do even if he was not involved in the actual nuts and bolts of the fraud? YES
- Did he sign cheques to reimburse Cohen, which included a bonus, to the value of $400,000 for false business expenses incurred on Trump’s behalf? YES
The 12 jurists did indeed wield Occam’s Razor and dealt Trump a death by 34 counts.
His followers who mainline Faux News, Truth Social, QANON, Infowars, etc will not accept this as Felonious Trump has played them like a fiddle for years. He hits all the right notes with the MAGA maggots and jazzes up the songs they love to hear. His top tunes in 2016 were Crooked Hilary and Drain the Swamp. Since 2021, they have been The Election was Stolen, The Judiciary is Rigged, The Biden Crime Family and many other Billboard 100 hits below the belt.
But his bombast which he has employed profitably his whole life finally caught up with him. Let’s face it, with him in charge, his legal team was on a hiding to nothing. They were not allowed to concede anything, even that he had dallied with Stormy in the Biblical sense. Instead, they were forced by him to attack every little fact which only drew attention to Exhibit #1, Stormy herself, and all those countless irksome financial facts. A slam dunk for the prosecution or was it rather an own goal by Trump?

¯ * Where did the ‘horse face’ moniker come from? It didn’t seem to bother him while his gaze lingered on the silicone valley between her surgically enhanced breasts and her surgery ready kitty cat.
PS. Even if he wins the presidency, apart from the dubious legality, he can’t pardon himself as it is a state and not a federal conviction.
But they’ll still be able to be crown the Trumpet president. I predict it will make no difference to the vote. Most of the Bible belt has already voted in a man they knew to be a misogynist lech. Paying the woman off and covering it up will be considered patriarchal dues, and not especially earth shattering.
Poor little donny. Still, never understood the difference between hush-money and blackmail.