A SMAC in the Face #9:  A Toad in a Hole

Once upon a time in the mythical country of the Western Cape …

DA toad, Albert Fritz, MEC for Community Safety in the Western Cape, has found himself in a bit of a hole.  It seems as though he jumped at the chance of pressing his suit (and other parts, I presume) on younger staff members, or so the allegations go.  Why this particularly repulsive man would imagine that young females would find him attractive is beyond comprehension.  In a slap in the face with a wet flipper, Premier Winde suspended him on the 23rd of January and he is also the possible subject of a police investigation.  It looks like a sticky end is in the offing.

For those who believe in happy fairy tale endings, this is a happy one, just not a fairy tale one. 

No, he didn’t become a Prince.  The position of sleazeball Prince who kissed the girls and made them cry is currently taken by Prince Andrew.  Locally however, the sleazeball position is filled by Truman Prince, erstwhile Mayor of Beaufort West who trawled for young girls down the main drag (well the only drag) of Beaufort West in his 4×4 bakkie in the early 2000s.

My cynical little snails covered all the bases.  For the record, he was first pushed by the Western Cape Premier, Alan Winde, on the 1st of March when he declared that the toad was not ‘fit and proper’ to hold a position within his executive council.  In other words, he was slimy.  He was relieved of his throne in his own little cesspool and told to leave his pad.  Facing further party disciplinary action, our wannabe prince realised that the water was getting too hot so he jumped later that day before he was fritzed.

And they all lived happily ever after – sort of.

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