In the terminal stages of breast cancer, my mother-in-law was placed in a hospice. Barely two days later, she was dead. Was there any nefarious reason for her precipitous demise?
Before I commence the blog, may I make an admission? Neither am I religious nor am I spiritualist. In fact, those that know me will attest to the fact that my views are diametrically opposed to such beliefs being both an atheist and profoundly sceptical of spiritual forces.
Needless to say in spite of my cynicism and disbelief, I am troubled when psychics of whatever type are “able to divine the past” using apparently improbable means such as cards, palms, tea leaves et al. As a cynic, my default position to the seeming accuracy of these “readings” is that they must have a basis in some physical process and not some spiritual mumbo-jumbo.
On this point, Janine and I are in total disagreement. In fact to call it an unbridgeable chasm is akin to referring to the Atlantic Ocean as a puddle or the Amazon River as a stream. Despite being poles apart, I indulge her strange and contentious belief.
Brewing in the McCleland household has been the riddle of my mother-in-law’s rapid “expiration” to use an antiquated euphemism. Having terminal cancer and requiring intensive medical care, she was placed in a hospice where it was presumed that she would reside for the rest of her admittedly short life but under the expert care of trained professionals who would see to her every need. The prognosis was that she would live another few weeks to a month. On this basis, a month’s “accommodation” was paid for in advance and she was left in their capable and caring hands.
To our surprise, shock and horror, 24 hours later at 2am in the morning we received a call that she had passed away. The shock was predicated both on the natural human mourning and grief process but perhaps more importantly on the rapidity of the decline. Personally I did not dwell on this aspect as in many ways it was a blessing in disguise as she had no quality of life at that stage.
Not surprisingly, the precipitous passing raised red flags in Janine’s mind. Though she was relieved that her mother was no longer suffering, these nagging doubts persisted. Being an only child and close to her parents to boot, she was inconsolable. At every turn, I summarily dismissed her concerns whenever she raised them never countenancing any discussion or even a hint of any heinous act being committed but to no avail. It was a fool’s errand. Lending credence to these misgivings was the fact that the usage of strong pain killers was beyond the recommended dosage.
Notwithstanding the lack of evidence, she was greatly troubled by the possibility that something untoward had occurred. Her imagination fell prey to all manner of nefarious activities. It was scant comfort that her mother’s pain & suffering had been diminished.
Finally this week, she could endure it no more. She desired closure on this issue. As she herself was unable to sit or walk, she instructed Alesha to uncover the truth. This entailed visiting a Tarot Card Reader in Northcliff.
Amongst her other questions and mysteries that she required answered was why our friend Trevor had murdered his wife of 30 years, Esme. Equally important was the cause of the killing and what had happened. What Alesha was told was stunning news. Not only was she informed that Trevor – or as she categorised him as a Jekyll and Hyde character – abusing Esme but he was also having an affair whereas our suspicions had been that there were experiencing financial difficulties.
In addition she garnered a whole slew of information on the rest of the family. As far as information about myself was concerned, it was disconcerting on two counts. Firstly Alesha was informed that I would work until I died but did that mean that I would die in the near future as Barloworld’s Retirement age is 63, that is two years hence or would I work until I was 80 years old.
Secondly she indirectly intimated that the 36 year old floozy that I have been desiring my whole life would not eventuate as I would be married to Janine until I the day that I died. That’s as maybe but who claims that I cannot have a sizzling affair while I am still married?
So maybe there is hope for me and my bucket list.
Being Alesha, she desperately wanted to know what had happened to her beloved tabby cat, Tiddles. As if we were unaware of its declining health, apparently it passed away when it was his time to go. In order to comfort Alesha, the Tarot card Reader claims that Tiddles sent a feral kitten, Cosmo” to be rescued by Alesha and get adopted.
Then it came to the main topic of the session: what had happened to Granny Jessen? Specifically she wanted to know the reason why her demise was so rapid & precipitous. In a flash, the Tarot Card Reader retorted that she had been murdered – suffocating by her own pillow at about midnight. Being too sedated – over medicated in her words – and weak, she was unable to resist and died rapidly.
Of course I do not believe a word that was claimed but the mere possibly that she might have suffered such as heinous fate albeit in the final days of her life is most disconcerting.
More ominously from my perspective is the actual plausibility of this statement as it is not beyond the realms of possibility that it did occur like that.
I wonder whether after four years can I claim a 28 day refund or is that being churlish and callous?
I would be sceptical too, even though I believe in spiritual powers greater than us.