Colourised Photographs bringing History to Life

For me colour photographs provide a fascinating perspective and radically different angle on historical events. They evoke the age when they were taken with a forcefulness of a 1000 words. Notwithstanding the fact that the photographs have been colourised, they nevertheless still radiate their patina of age as if they had been weathered by the elements themselves.

View this array of photos and let me know whether you concur

Main picture: Madison Square Park New York City around 1900

A meeting of Charlie Chaplin by the blind Hellen Keller in 1918

A meeting of Charlie Chaplin by Hellen Keller in 1918

A stunning picture of actress Audrey Hepburn

A stunning picture of actress Audrey Hepburn

Albert Einstein who conceptualised the equivalence of energy and matter in his formula E=MC2

Albert Einstein who conceptualised the equivalence of energy and matter in his formula E=MC2

An Oklahoman farmer during the great dust bowl in 1939

An Oklahoman farmer during the great dust bowl in 1939

Burger flipper in 1938

Burger flipper in 1938

Charlie Chaplin in 1916 at 27 years of age

Charlie Chaplin in 1916 at 27 years of age

Claude Monet, the Artist, in 1923

Claude Monet, the Artist, in 1923

Elizabeth Taylor is stunning in this photograph taken in 1956

Elizabeth Taylor is stunning in this photograph taken in 1956

Girls delivering ice in 1918

Girls delivering ice in 1918

Louis Armstrong playing for his wife in 1961

Louis Armstrong playing for his wife in 1961

Marilyn Monroe

The sultry & seductive Marilyn Monroe

The German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught on fire and crashed in 1937

The German passenger airship LZ 129 Hindenburg caught on fire and crashed in 1937

Times Square in 1947

Times Square in 1947

Union soldiers taking a break in 1863

Union soldiers taking a break in 1863

W.H. Murphy testing the bulletproof vest in 1923

W.H. Murphy testing the bulletproof vest in 1923

Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill epitomised the bull dog tenacity and the fighting spirit of the British during WW2

Personally all of them are gems whether they are portraying a stunning female form or Union troops in the American Civil war, the effect is the same.

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