How did this happen?

The explanations on the Insurance Claims relating to these “accidents” would be very entertaining and revealing. There is no doubt that there would have been some creative reasons but very few confessions or truthful elucidations.

How did that happen#8 How did that happen#15 How did that happen#2 How did that happen#9 How did that happen#16 How did that happen#3 How did that happen#10 How did that happen#17 How did that happen#4 How did that happen#11 How did that happen#18 How did that happen#5                                                                                                                                                                                                      How did that happen#12 How did that happen#6 How did that happen#13 How did that happen#7 How did that happen#14


Very few of these could have been photoshopped.  So what is your explanation.


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