Not many of us can, at the end of a school day, congratulate ourselves on having prevented, among other things, one or two cakes from being burnt, a Standard 6 pupil from being electrocuted, and a “patient” from “missing” an unpleasant lesson. Mrs. Maggs is one of the fortunate (or unfortunate) people who can.
The author of this article is unknown.
Main picture: Mrs. Maggs in 1971
Mrs Maggs, who was born in Johannesburg, was educated at the Jeppe High School and later attended the Domestic Science Teachers’ College. She chose to teach “Dom. Science” because she had always found it interesting, practical and “different”. Before braving the Alex front, Mrs. Maggs taught in Bulawayo, Krugersdorp, Durban and Pietermaritzburg. If anyone feels that they have been at Alex for what seems to be centuries, simply remember that Mrs. Maggs has been teaching here since 1956. The difference is that she likes it, of course, and what is more, gets paid for it.
In her spare time, Mrs Maggs likes playing golf, knitting, reading and sewing. She has no favourite food but loves anything with lemon in it. She regards Sir Lawrence Olivier as her favourite actor and blue is her favourite colour.
Mrs Maggs has been overseas four times, visiting Great Britain, the Continent, Canada and parts of America, and would willingly go again, if given the opportunity. She finds mini skirts particularly nice on youth, but there must be no “mutton dressed up as lamb”. The one thing which Mrs. Maggs really dislikes, is the noise of buzz bikes.