Port Elizabeth of Yore: Photographs of William Alcock

In 1891, William Alcock displayed his penchant for photography by attending the inaugural meeting of the Port Elizabeth Photographic Society on the 27th July held in the Algoa House Hotel in Western Road. Alcock was appointed its first Chairman. 

This is an eclectic collection of photographs taken by William Alcock.

Main picture: July 1902. The first motor car to successfully negotiate Van Stadens Pass – a 4.5 hp Benz owned by W. Alcock

Above: Walmer Country Club
Van Staden’s River
Van Stadens River by William Alcock
Triumphal Arch in Jetty Street in 1885 [Photo by W. Alcock]
Hell’s Gate on Farm 283 by William Alcock
Docks in Cape Town by William Alcock
Standard Bank Cape Town by William Alcock
Shark’s Villa by William Alcock
William (back left), his son Arthur (back right)
Emily Alcock
Emily Alcock in Birkenhead, England. I think this was before she was married to William, possibly taken in the 1870s. It appears that she is wearing some type of servant’s uniform
Emily has a hat on and is sitting in the middle with a child on her lap
Ethel as a baby & Leonard (sitting on the donkey) and Arthur (standing), in Walmer
William sitting on his porch at his home in Villiers Rd, Walmer
Ethel at school in Walmer (seated in the 2nd row from the front, 4th from the left)
Ethel at school (seated in the 2nd row from the front, 4th from the left)
Emily Alcock is on the far right, holding what appears to be a frying pan
Emily on Charlie, the horse.
William Alcock
Shop of W.F. Westbury
Leonard and Ethel
Arthur & his baby sister Ethel
Ethel as a baby

Photographs and captions courtesy of Karen Leigh Benkenstein

Port Elizabeth of Yore: William Alcock-A Prominent Resident with Eclectic Interests

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