The Post Office Strike: We will Smash it up whatever it Takes

This is not a trick question so just relax and answer with the first thoughts that cross your mind. “What are the characteristics of a South African strike?” Apart from the toy-toying workers bearing semi-literate signs on pieces of cardboard, what is next aspect which crosses one’s mind: the wanton destruction of property?

Main picture: The destruction of the Benoni Post Office by members of the CWU

Finally the Union accuses management of orchestrating the property damage in order to tarnish the poor unfortunate workers who are being maltreated by management on a daily basis worse than in the Apartheid days.

The Post Office strike bears all the hallmarks of a classic South African strike. This has been borne out by the destruction of 30 Post Offices in Gauteng by members of the CWU – the Communication Workers Union. Naturally the CWU members are blameless in this shameless act.

Unfortunately my parcel from is still awaiting delivery. Viewing these photographs, will I receive it in one piece or will the vandalism extend to the stealing of parcels.

Viva CWU!

Viva the Post Office

Post Office Strike 2014#1 Post Office Strike 2014#2 Post Office Strike 2014#3

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