Is Trump’s Presidency Doomed?

Initially it was Trump’s bombastic, egotistical style which appalled me and raised my hackles. Later it was Trump’s inability to distinguish fact from fiction which sealed his fate in my eyes. Finally Trump will justifiably be crucified by later generations as his style of leadership has irredeemably cheapened that nation’s political discourse.

Has the cumulative effect of Trump’s blundering finally cast his Presidency as doomed? Signs of a backlash abound but will this Teflon coated man survive through sheer bloody mindedness?

Main picture: A smirking Donald Trump

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Trump Assessed

When Trump entered the fray to become President, his chances of success were almost universally rated as being as low as the single digits. Notwithstanding that, Trump confounded all the critics and naysayers and ultimately captured the Presidency. 

Are we now any closer to take the measure of the man? What has been revealed so far? Has he already blotted his copy book and should he even he given the benefit of the doubt in future?

Main picture: A smirking Donald Trump, a defining characteristic of the man

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