Finally a Good News Holocaust Story

Not that Holocaust stories are ever gay, light-hearted uplifting affairs as in most cases almost all of the survivor’s family after never seen again but this one has a surprising twist in the tail. Instead these stories all have a sense of dreaded inevitability as families are split up either to face an immediate death or a slow agonising demise by overwork, starvation and all the attendant privations.

Over the years I have read numerous books and stories on the holocaust. Most are heart-wrenching stories of privation and abominable living and working conditions. None of these survivor’s stories relate to Jews from Germany itself. This was not due to the fact that none of them decided to write about their horrendous life stories but rather that being first into these concentration camps, they were the first to die. As the life expectancy was no more than 3 months on average, by 1943 very few were still alive.

Main picture: Herman Rosenblat

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