Marilyn Monroe, the Showgirl, and Colin Clark: A Romantic Interlude

Who one may well ask is Colin Clark, a nonentity, and many years Marilyn Monroe’s junior and what was his relationship with her in 1956 so shortly after her marriage to Arthur Miller?

Two superstars of the day, Marilyn Monroe and Sir Laurence Olivier both had designs on becoming even more famous. In both cases it was to highlight their versatility by also becoming famous movie stars. Marilyn had become an iconic model and singer and Lawrence Olivier a stage actor especially in the Shakespearean mould but both desired more accolades and had pretensions of being famous movie stars.

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My Week with Marilyn – Unveiling a Marilyn requiring constant validation in spite of fame

Rating: 5 out of 5

This sliver of time in the life of Marilyn Monroe highlights a woman already famous & now on her third marriage – this time to the author Arthur Miller – that still requires validation.

This movie opens the world on a Marilyn wracked with insecurities & craving attention, validation & affirmation as a serious actress. This movie does not attempt to address the issue of the reasons for her insecurity but it does shine a sharp light on it.

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