Skin Colour as a Proxy for Preference in the New South Africa

A personal view – March 2014


For me, the recent debate within the DA about race-based BEE work practices brought this issue to the fore. Whilst acknowledging the iniquities of Apartheid, the methods employed by the current ANC government to ameliorate the situation stuck in the craw. Maybe my hopes for a colour blind future in South Africa were derailed along with the debate.

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China: The Two Long Marches Contrasted & a Third Required

A Personal View – March 2014

In China, the history & significance of the Long March is well known. But steeped in propaganda, the truth is not known to the Chinese people.

During the 1920s & 1930’s, China was a very unstable country. The Chinese Emperor Puyi ruled from 1908 at the age of 2 years old until his abdication in 1912 during the Xinhai Revolution when he was 6 years old. He made a brief appearance to prominence again when the Japanese appointed him Kangde Emperor of the puppet state of Manchukuo [Manchuria] after its capture in 1931. He then ruled until the end of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1945.

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