Before becoming sanctimonious that as a Korean one would never be deceived into believing all of the improbable, inconceivable and implausible accomplishments of the so-called Great Leader, consider the milieu in which its inhabitants live. With strict censorship, anything is impossible. This is the deranged topsy-turvy world of North Korea today.
The usual path of dynastic succession unfolded in the case of the Kim Clan. Grandfather Kim Il Sung – the Great Leader – was the architect of the Democratic – read undemocratic – Republic of Korea. It was established in the mould of the dictatorial communist regimes in Eastern Europe where the concepts of free press, free elections and freedom of speech was banished to be substituted by a Party Press, one party elections and Party-Speak.
Main picture: Kim Jong-il, the Great Leader who relied upon his supposedly supermen capabilities to impress his opressed people.