Unsafe Acts

As the maxim states, “Different strokes for different folks.” That is great as far as it goes but these antics are downright dangerous, death defying even. Either they cannot foresee the consequences of their actions or they have a death wish. Whatever it is, does not make a difference, as either way, they will not survive to old age.

Or maybe I am a wussie and too risk averse.

Main picture: Would you allow somebody to angle grind using your back as a work bench?

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Why there are fewer Men than Women – Part 2

When I wrote my first blog on all the idiotic and inane unsafe acts that men performed as if they possessed a death wish, I was under the mistaken belief that I had seen it all. Clearly I had not. Like the continual stream of photographs of shoppers in Walmart whilst in the most surreal forms of attire, so it is with these behaviours.

Clearly Safety Inspectors are a rarity or perhaps they are like the Dodo, extinct. If these photographs had been taken in South Africa, which clearly they are not, I would have suspected that another activity had kept the Inspectors at bay.

Surely these people are aware that they have no margin of error and that even a slight miscalculation could result in death or maiming. They should rather adopt a high risk sport such as abseiling, paragliding or base jumping.

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