The Personality Cult of the Kim Dynasty of North Korea

Before becoming sanctimonious that as a Korean one would never be deceived into believing all of the improbable, inconceivable and implausible accomplishments of the so-called Great Leader, consider the milieu in which its inhabitants live. With strict censorship, anything is impossible. This is the deranged topsy-turvy world of North Korea today.

The usual path of dynastic succession unfolded in the case of the Kim Clan. Grandfather Kim Il Sung – the Great Leader – was the architect of the Democratic – read undemocratic – Republic of Korea. It was established in the mould of the dictatorial communist regimes in Eastern Europe where the concepts of free press, free elections and freedom of speech was banished to be substituted by a Party Press, one party elections and Party-Speak.

Main picture: Kim Jong-il, the Great Leader who relied upon his supposedly supermen capabilities to impress his opressed people.

Kim Il Sung’s path to power emulated the standard script of most revolutionaries. In Kim Il Sung’s case his CV listed his achievements as fighting the Japanese Colonialists, obtaining moral, financial and military support from Stalin & Mao and castigating the West as being determined to undermine their “freely chosen” way of life.

Kim Jong Il

Kim Jong Il

But what Kim Il Sung inadvertently forgot to tell his people that the decadent indolent capitalist countries of the world – including its kin in South Korea – were part of an economic resurgence. Instead of rising incomes, his country produced stagnant earnings, instead of motor vehicles – albeit utilitarian – his people had to be content with bicycles and more perversely, instead of freedoms, they were rewarded with Concentration Camps.

Within the Hermit Kingdom – as the cloistered Albanian style dictatorship was accurately known – its citizens, fed on a wilfully skewed view of the world, were blissfully unaware that their fellow humans’ wealth and freedoms.

Kim Jong Il-The Expert Song Writer

Kim Jong Il-The Expert Song Writer

Like all dynasties, the subsequent generation often did not possess the requisite prowess and aptitude to receive the mantle as the successor.

So it was with the eldest son of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il. In contrast with his father’s CV which read like a war hero, what could Kim Il Sung append to his. Perhaps “Imbibing the milk of the dictatorship ideology from my father” or more implausibility “attending party conferences since my youth.

The singing of party songs and regurgitating classical Marxist/Stalinist philosophies will never provide the leadership skills required to lead a country.

Kim Jong Il-Th Internet Expert

Kim Jong Il-Th Internet Expert

What is the most obvious solution: embellish one’s CV. Embroidering one’s CV is one thing, but stating that one is the world’s best in a number of categories or insert implausible achievements such as hitting a hole in one during one’s first ever golf game is risible. This is in the mould of fairy tales. Instead the whole nation suspended their belief.

Some examples of the lies peddled are as follows:

Comrade Kim Jong Il learned much from watching his indomitable father during the victorious Fatherland Liberation War, and he wrote his first song, The Embrace of My Motherland, in 1952, at the age of 10. This is the best song ever written, and it shows boundless love for the people.

Kim Jong Il-The Expert Golfer

Kim Jong Il-The Expert Golfer

Or how about these preposterous achievements:

As a boy, Comrade Kim Jong Il taught the other students much about the Juche idea, and frequently amused himself in middle school by creating massive government bureaucracies from scratch by dint of his own unremitting efforts. At age 12, he organized what would become the Ministry of Tourism, and at age 15, he instructed his teachers and fellow students on history, politics, and philosophy—especially the dangers of what his biography calls “flunkeyism”—and sometimes worked as a skilled machinist operating and repairing electric motors with greater skill than anyone had ever seen before.

Just as his father been awarded a sobriquet – The Great Leader – which reflected his achievements, so did Kim Il Sung seek an adjective or phrase expressing a quality or attribute regarded as characteristic of the person mentioned. A suitable epithet was found: The Dear Leader.

Kim Jong Il-The Rewriter of the School Curriculum

On his death in 2011, his son Kim Jong-Un assumed office on 13th April 2012. If Kim Jong Il lacked revolutionary credentials, Kim Jong-Un’s CV was even sparser. Thus far, his rule has been characterised by ruthlessness and bizarre phenomena, surreal even by North Korean standards. Initially he assumed the appellation of “dear leader” previously used by his late father Kim Jong-il. However it now appears that the state propaganda machine is using the appellation “beloved leader”

Let us review some of his egregious and terrifying acts and beliefs.

Kim Jong Un - The current Great and Beloved Leader

Kim Jong Un – The current Great and Beloved Leader

Kim Jong-Un is Power Mad

His existence is predicated upon the maintenance of his power at all costs. All of his actions are calculated to maintain the status quo as regards the dynastic leadership now in its third iteration.

Some of his violent and bizarre actions in this regards were to execute an ex-girlfriend, killing a deputy of defence with mortars and unleashing the hounds on his uncle and perhaps more chilling threatening to initiate nuclear war.

Kim Jong-Un’s personally created K-Pop Band

The Supreme Leader created a K-Pop or Korean Pop Band called the Moranborg Band. Some of their songs include “O My Motherland Full of Hope” and “We Think of the Marshal Day and Night”. He recently attended a concert even though he was reportedly “very busy with the work to protect the destiny of the country and its people from the arrogant and reckless moves of the US imperialists and other hostile forces” Kim Jong Un#2

Kim Jong-Un underwent cosmetic surgery to resemble his Grandfather

Through leaks by Chinese diplomats, it has ben ascertianed that the Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un had plastic surgery years ago in order to look like his Eternal Leader Grandfather Kim Il-Sung. According to the Korean Press, an suggestion that this is a fact is impossible because the Supreme Leader is already perfect in all ways imaginable.

Executing his uncle

Kim Jon-Un’s uncle Jang Song Thaek was executed by firing squad for committing the following heinous crimes: spending money at a foreign casino, dreaming different dreams and improper relations with several women.

South Korean army soldiers patrol along the barbed-wire fence

South Korean army soldiers patrol along the barbed-wire fence

Threats of nuclear annihilation

North Korea’s armory consists of a single weapon: the threat of the use of nuclear weapons. With Seoul not far from the border, Jong-Un controls the fourth largest military in the world, including 1.1 million active members and the world’s largest military reserves, numbering 8 million. The General in charge of this potent force is none other than Kim Jong-Un himself, the only top-ranked military figure in the world without any military training or previous experience in military matters, other than his love of nuclear missiles.

The future of the Kim Dynasty

The only way in which the third generation of his dynasty can survive is to artificially create tension with the rest of the world. This Kim Jong-Un has successfully managed to do.

Farm children

Farm children

Secondly, he has imprisoned all of those who are deemed to be enemies of the state. Most of the 20 000 political prisoners have suffered the iniquities and injustice of incarceration for menial crimes such as complaining about the food rationing.

With 100 000’s having died from hunger and a dysfunctiny non-productive economy, will the Kim Clan be able to suppress the peasantry forever. With his iron control of the media and propaganda machine, the likelihood of a violent uprising is improbable.


Kim Jong Il lying in state

The more likely culmination to this rapacious and murderous dynasty will be a lone assassin. Perhaps Kim Jong-Un will be lucky and serve out his life as the Eternal Leader, but will the dynasty be perpetuated in a fourth generation.

I highly doubt it.

The risk to South Korea and the rest of the world is that interregnum. Will trembling hands on the nuclear button accidently trigger a nuclear holocaust or will the button be passed to safe hands?

It is for this sole reason that the fate of such an inconsequential country should be paid special attention and sharper focus.


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