Probably our grandchildren will have the same response when they view our adverts or even movies such as Star Wars. It is highly likely that the Beatles will sound tinny and David Bowie will look nerdy. They will possibly be amused at rap, wondering why an artist would talk through a song instead of singing. Ironically shoulder length hair for men will probably be in vogue again as well as bell-bottoms.
Main picture: How can the PC Police claim that this advert is sexist. Rather it displays concern for the welfare of one’s wife. Surely!
Adverts recommending antibiotics to combat colds and flu will be ridiculed. By the 22nd century it will be mandatory for households to generate their own electricity by means of photovoltaic cells on their roves. Roads and roves will be painted white in order to reflect sunlight. Before the year 2100, cigarettes will be banned as well as most alcohol. The use of oil will be highly proscribed being limited to the production of plastics and other useful commodities. Its use as an energy source would long since have been banned.

The advertisers display their concern for the health of our children by recommending that children under 6 yaers of age should not be treated by smoking. Very considerate
The ban on the use of oil will impoverish the Middle East with certain countries embracing modernity while others will retreat into radical 11th century Islamic Republics where women will be mandated to bear a minimum of 6 children.
Within 100 years, Europe will have a Black majority with the predominate religion being Islam.
That is the problem with adverts or even works of fiction. They are firmly based in the mentality, the idioms and the metaphors of their era. In retrospect they appear condescending, implausible and irrational yet in their era they were effective and they reflected the zeitgeist of that era.
Maybe the reason why we do not realise that current adverts are all the work of snake oil purveyors is that we do not want them to be a fiction. Hence we too are beguiled to believe the promises that we too can lose 20 kgs in one month or become the belle of the ball by drinking a certain drink.
How fickle and facile we are!