A SMAC in the Face #82:  DINOsaurus Rex

In the first weeks of his presidency Trump has been issuing executive orders at a faster rate than he lies and insults people.  Then again, most of his orders are actually vindicative insults in themselves and not only affect one person but millions worldwide.  Many are ultra vires but he doesn’t care.  SMAC has delved into this and come up with his own insult (not that he cares just like Melania who wore a jacket with that slogan during his last presidency).

Trump loves to insult people.  It somehow fuels his outsize ego as much as McDonald burgers with a side order of Diet Coke – hold the paper straws – sustains his outsize body.  In fact, he is an equal opportunity serial insulter who will even insult allies if they do not please him sufficiently.  One of his least vile insults was reserved for Republicans who were not fully onboard with his ‘T’ party, the MAGAhatters, was to call them RINOs – Republicans In Name Only. 

Well, he should be called a PINO – President In Name Only – particularly during his first term when he actually lost the popular vote by a significant amount.  Although he now managed to win the popular vote, largely due to Democratic Party ineptness rather than his own brilliance, he is still a PINO as there is nothing presidential about this gloating bully boy with his minions.  In fact, his second term could be referred to as Despicable Me 2.  But perhaps that’s not a good comparison as Gru turned out to be not so gruesome but a rather schmaltzy character, and his minions just a noisy, chucking rabble who are naughty rather than bad.

So, time to retire my PINO moniker and to introduce a new one – DINO – Democracy In Name Only.  It’s appropriate for him that the word, DEMOCRACY, has the vocalisation of MOCK embedded in it as this describes one of the greatest weapons in this bully boy’s thin-skinned armoury.  It’s his go-to attack weapon when defending one of his ill-conceived ideas (like Eric and Don jr – meow), or lies, or exaggerations, or etc.  His first presidency was a trial run for him, like a baby learning to walk.  This time around he’s locked and loaded and is not taking prisoners.  He had the support of millions of minions during his four years in the wilderness while he marinaded in his grievances.  They drew up a long list of actions that he could take legally, borderline legally and illegally to get into the Democrat’s and the Washington establishment’s faces.  Groups like Project 2025 created the poisonous cocktail with a 900 odd page how-to manual and Il Douche has added his sour twist of lemon in the form of petty and vengeful executive orders like renaming the Gulf of Mexico or withdrawing the security details of former top aides who didn’t totally bend to his will first time around.

He has surrounded himself with unqualified and unsuitable toadies and given free rein to a prat manchild to destroy the Federal system which he sees as responsible, not only for America’s ills, but his own legal misfortunes.

Giving him the full name of DINOsaurus Rex who would be king suits him insofar as much was made of his small hands during his 2016 presidential campaign and, although fearsome at the present, he will soon become just a footprint in history.

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