I just had to share these stunning photographs. In equal measure I am enthralled with the final product, mesmerised by the textures and colours and fascinated by the patience that it took and angle at which the picture was taken.
They can rightfully be classified as works of art.
Main picture: ‘Feel Safe’ by Juan Carlos Mimó Perez

‘Bad Hair Day’ by Gordon Illg

‘Barracuda Swirl’ by Alexander Mustard

‘Bat Festival’ by João Paulo Krajewski

‘Beechnuts Rhythm’ by Sandra Bartocha

‘Big Mouth’ by Adriana Basques

‘Caiman Night’ by Luciano Candisani

‘Dantes Inferno’ by Karen Lunney

‘Dawn Lift-Off’ by Jack Dykinga

‘Diamonds’ by Malgorzata Ksiazkiewicz

‘Facebook Update’ by Marsel van Oosten

‘Great Peacock Moth Caterpillar’ by Leela Channer

‘Heavy Rain’ by Pierluigi Rizzato

‘Helical’ by Frederic Brioris

‘Hide Away’ by Brittany Fried

‘Innocents Betrayed’ by Hilary O’Leary

‘King Penguins and Fur Seals’ by Denise Ippolito

‘Kings into the Dark’ by Stanley Leroux

‘Ladybird Spider’ by Carsten Braun

‘Las Fauces de la Noche’ by Juan Jesus Gonzalez Ahumada

‘Leaping Gentoo Penguin’ by Paul Souders

‘Moonlight Climber’ by Alexander Badyaev

‘Move!’ by Gerry Pearce

‘Old Cloths’ by Claudio Contreras Koob

‘One Eye On You’ by Mohammad Khorshed

‘Piraputangus’ by Adriana Basques

‘Pure Magic’ by Raviprakash S S

‘Red Deer and Cranes’ by Marek Kosinski

‘Red Kangaroos at Waterhole’ by Theo Allofs

‘Sea Lions Dreams’ by Christian Vizl

‘Sentry Duty’ by Neil Aldridge

‘Shoaling Reef Squid’ by Tobias Bernhard

‘Shoulder Check’ by Henrik Nilsson

‘Startled by Stargazer’ by Jennifer Jo Stock

‘Stretching’ by Stephan Tuengler

‘Too Big But So Tasty’ by Alain Ghignone

‘View of Tokyo’ by Olivier Puccia

‘Whats This’ by Peter Mather

‘Winter Hares’ by David Tipling

‘Yellow-Necked Mouse’ by Carsten Braun
Great photography idea. I like the light, contrast and composition in your images. Thanks you so much.