Covid-19 was the not only the death knell of millions of people but also the death warrant for many businesses especially those in financial difficulties. Long after its heydays of the 1880s and 1890s this hotel did not possess the cachet of certain of Port Elizabeth’s more popular beach front hotels. Notwithstanding this, the Grand Hotel is historically amongst one of the few remaining original hotels of the 19th century. Nonetheless, it remains an important link to Port Elizabeth’s illustrious past. With the Main Street no longer being either the business centre or the entertainment hub of Port Elizabeth, this could presage the final demise of the hotel. However, the recent conversion of the hotel into student accommodation could stave off the inevitable demolition and enable it to soldier on until the 22nd century albeit in a difference guise.
Main picture: Scenes during the visit of Lord Loch, 27 January, 1890 with the procession nearing the top of White’s Road. Men of the P.A.G. Regiment formed the procession. Note the decorative archway at the top of the road and the spectators at the Grand Hotel lining the balconies
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