With the recent release of the proposed Medical Aid tariffs for 2017, medical costs were once again thrown into the spotlight.
What are the drivers of increases and what is the prognosis over the next twenty years?
With the recent release of the proposed Medical Aid tariffs for 2017, medical costs were once again thrown into the spotlight.
What are the drivers of increases and what is the prognosis over the next twenty years?
To use an overused word, human life is priceless but on the obverse side, there is the small matter of cost. Simply put: With the whole slew of new & innovative medical treatments and medicines coming onto the market where does one draw the line in providing all these potentially life-saving treatments?
Lest anyone is under the misapprehension that this conundrum is not pervasive today let us consider the dilemmas that doctors and medical aid schemes face today when confronted by such quandaries.