Port Elizabeth of Yore: A Detailed History of Volkswagen South Africa

This is a comprehensive history of Volkswagen South Africa. It is not based on research as it is direct copy off the internet. As the original source cannot be traced, I have been unable to attribute it to the authors.

Main picture: The SAMAD plant in 1950

1935Preliminary negotiations start with the Studebaker Export Corporation of South Bend, Indiana – with a view of setting up an assembly plant in South Africa. Plans are shelved, however, due to political and economic uncertainty. Negotiations are resumed after the end of the Second World War.
 1946A franchise agreement is signed between South African company, Industrial and Commercial Holdings and the Studebaker Export Corporation for the local assembly of Studebaker cars and commercial vehicles.
12th OctSouth African Motor Assemblers and Distributors (SAMAD) is launched as a public company with an initial authorised share capital of R1 million.

A 20.2 hectare site is bought for the factory on the outskirts of Uitenhage for R 2 500.

Canadian, Melville (“Mel”) Steele Brooks, former vice-president of the Studebaker Export Corporation, becomes SAMAD’s first managing director.
1947 The foundation of the factory is laid. The contract for the construction of the factory is awarded to General and Industrial Building Company, the roofing contract to T.S. Davies and the electrical contract to Hubert Davies.
Apr1 200 000 shares of 50c each are issued to provide the company with an initial capital of R600 000.
8th AugSAMAD applies to the SA Railways and Harbour for a railway siding at the factory.
The application is approved on 27 Aug.
 Despite the factory being only partially complete, the first Studebaker (a Commercial Vehicle) leaves the production line.
Uitenhage, 1957. Volkswagen car factory. welding a Kombi, Transnet Heritage Library N66484
1949 The Minister of Economic Affairs, Mr. Eric Louw, officially opens the factory.
18th FebA total of 320 people are employed and production totals 14 to 16 units a day.

An agreement is concluded to import and sell Cockshutt tractors, of which around 48 are delivered to farms in the Free State.

Some scooters of unknown make are also sold.

Import control and the devaluation of the South African pound badly hits the motor industry which relies largely on imports.

Production at SAMAD drops to 12 units a day. Mel Brooks decides not to lay off any workers but allows the redundant workers the opportunity of building a swimming pool in the factory grounds.
June  SAMAD enters into an agreement with Austin Motors of England to assemble Austin vehicles in Uitenhage.

A total of 977 Studebaker vehicles are delivered to dealers during the year.
14th Feb
 The first Austin leaves the production line. Towards the end of the year preliminary negotiations are commenced between Volkswagenwerk in Germany and SAMAD with a view to assembling the Volkswagen sedan (the name “Beetle” is not yet official) in Uitenhage.

By year-end 1 644 Studebakers and 2 269 Austins are built.
1951 28th MarThe first fully assembled Volkswagen is sent from Volkswagen’s Wolfsburg factory to SAMAD for evaluation and as a platform for training for local assembly. The car arrives in Apr.
July  An historic agreement is signed in Uitenhage between Volkswagenwerk and SAMAD allowing the assembly and distribution of Volkswagen vehicles and parts in the Union of South Africa and South West Africa.

Present at the signing were Dr. Nordhoff, Mel Brooks and Baron von Oertzen.
27th July  A second fully assembled Volkswagen is sent from Wolfsburg, arriving in Uitenhage during August.

The car survives to this day and belongs to Dr Johan van Rensburg of Kimberley.
31st AugThe first locally assembled Volkswagen is driven off the production line in Uitenhage. The 10 000th vehicle (a Studebaker) to be assembled since the start of production in 1948 leaves the production line.
19th Mar
The 10 000th Austin leaves the production line. A Parts and Accessories warehouse is built at a cost of R 80 000.
A Beetle shell being submerged into a 10,000 gallon tank of paint
1955 AprThe contract to assemble Austin vehicles comes to an end and the assembly of Volkswagen’s Transporter range begins.

During 1955, the first Volkswagen Dealer conference takes place and would be the first of many.
The controlling interest in SAMAD is taken over by Volkswagenwerk and Baron Klaus von Oertzen becomes Chairman at the same time, announcing a R1 million expansion programme. This will result in increasing production capacity from about 42 to 75 units a day. The expansion programme will also include the building of a new Paint Shop and Spare Parts Store, amongst others.

With the lifting of import restrictions a flood of Volkswagens arrive.

In one record shipment off-loaded in Port Elizabeth, the Swedish ship “Victoria” brings 131 complete and 1 068 CKD Volkswagen vehicles (Transporters and Beetle’s) from Germany.
 1957 SAMAD establishes a finance company, the South African Motor Acceptance   Corporation (SAMAC), to take care of the hire purchase needs of its dealer’s customers. It comes into operation on 1 Jan 1958.
12th Mar
Mel Brooks dies and the motor industry loses a great figure.

Roy Hurd takes over as Managing Director.
18th JulyThe 50 000th vehicle to be assembled by SAMAD, a two-door Studebaker Commander, leaves the production line.
14th AugThe Administrator of the Cape, Dr. Otto du Plessis, opens the new Paint shop, which is unique in that is has the biggest dip tank in the Southern Hemisphere where car bodies are completely submerged. The tank contains 10 000 gallons (45 500 litres) of primer.

Other extensions, which include an administration block, service school and new car conditioning plant, are completed.
SAMAD 1950, THL N56579
1959 21st JanThe 25 000th Volkswagen product leaves the production line.
FebThe Studebaker Lark, the firm’s entrant in the Compact Car class, is unveiled to the dealers at SAMAD’s Uitenhage plant.

The South African Defence Force orders 20 VW ambulances, 50 Beetles, 40 Kombis and two VW fire engines. The order is worth R160 000.
 1960The Government announces a Local Content Programme for vehicles assembled in South Africa, whereby manufacturers have to reach certain percentages of local content by weight within a specified number of years. This will have far-reaching effects on the motor industry with large sums of money being invested. For SAMAD, this will eventually have the effect of forcing them to move away from the specifications of overseas assembled Volkswagens.

Embassy Motors in Port Elizabeth opens an indoor driving school in what is believed to be the only one of its kind in SA. Pupils receive tuition in gear-changing, stopping and starting – using a Beetle chassis on rollers with outdoor instruction following in a dual-control Beetle.

The Automobile Association adds two Beetles to its fleet.

The 50 000th Volkswagen product leaves the production line and the Beetle is the best-selling car in SA for the third consecutive year.
SAMAD 1950, THL N56580
 1962Three Regional Offices are established, one each in Uitenhage, Cape Town and Johannesburg.

A R350 000 expansion programme is announced, the bulk of which includes R200 000 for a new parts warehouse, R100 000 for extensions to the factory and R40 000 for a new welfare building.
  1st SeptAlbert Theunissen succeeds Roy Hurd as Managing Director.
 1963Mid-year, SAMAD buys a 47 acre site for R65 000 for future plant expansion. The total area of holdings is 100 acres.

Baron von Oertzen resigns as Chairman of the Board of Directors of SAMAD and his place is taken by Dr. Nordhoff.
27th Sept  An important addition to the Volkswagen range in South Africa takes place with the introduction of the VW Type 3 1500 Sedan and in Nov, the 1500 Variant station wagon.
7th NovThe 100 000th Volkswagen (a Beetle) assembled by SAMAD comes off the production line. The car is presented to SANTA by the Minister of Economic Affairs and Mines, Dr. Diederichs and is used as a prize in a nation-wide competition. The car is won by H G Borland and is handed over in a special ceremony in Aug 1964.

At the same time Dr. Diederichs officially opens SAMAD’s Local Content Laboratory.

The Beetle is the best-selling single model for the sixth successive year.
 1964All 1964 model passenger vehicles in the range, including Studebaker, are fitted with safety belts as standard equipment.

Phase two of the Local Content Programme commences where for the first time the concept of vehicle models being declared “Manufactured” is included. This will allow manufacturers who meet the minimum requirements and deadlines set by the programme, to be rendered free of all import control.
AugThe 100 000th Volkswagen (all types) is presented to SANTA.

SAMAD announces that it will invest R 8 000 000 to set up an engine plant and a large press plant to press body parts and floorpans for some of its range.
Beetles being assembled in Uitenhage
 1965The Studebaker Corporation closes and production of Studebaker vehicles ceases in Uitenhage.

SAMAD goes into the second phase of manufacture where single sheet-metal parts for the VW 1200 floorpan are pressed in the newly completed press shop and starts its own Tool Division to repair press tools. The engine machine shop is completed and the local assembly of all engines for the passenger range is started.
NovThe VW 1600 TL Fastback joins the Type 3 range only months after its launch in Germany. For the first time SAMAD offers two-tone paintwork as an option but only on the Fastback. The option costs an extra R12! A steel sunroof is also available on the Type 3 range for an extra R67.
17th Nov
 At an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of SAMAD it is resolved to change the name of the company to Volkswagen of South Africa Limited.
Beetles being assembled in Uitenhage
 1967The Board announces that VWSA has concluded an agreement with Auto Union GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Volkswagenwerk AG, for the assembly and distribution of Audi vehicles from 1 Jan 1968.
1968 Production of the Audi Super 90 commences early in the year.
 1969Production of the VW Type 3 range is discontinued and is replaced by the Type 4, which is Volkswagen’s entry into the medium car class. The 411 range consists of two-door and four-door sedans and a station wagon in manual and automatic forms. The range is released for sale in March.
9th & 10th AugThree standard production VW 411’s break nine South African 24-hour endurance records as well as the prestigious 24-hour record at the Roy Hesketh circuit, Pietermaritzburg.

Albert Theunissen resigns as Managing Director. He is succeeded by Georg Eckert.
 1970The local content “syllabus” is long and demanding but against this background VWSA announces the start of a five-year two-phase R25 000 000 expansion programme geared at meeting the full requirements of phase three of the programme. The expansion involves a new paint shop, a new assembly hall, expansion of the press shop, extensions to the manufacturing hall and a new administrative block for technical staff.
SAMAD factory at Uitenhage
All Volkswagen cars and commercials are fitted with computer diagnostic sockets.

Avis Rent-a- Car takes delivery of 96 Beetle 1300’s in a buy-back deal which commits VWSA to repurchase the vehicles, the first of its kind for the local industry.

Georg Eckert resigns as Managing Director late in the year. He is succeeded by Noel Phillips who takes up the position in Feb 1972
17th Feb
The whole of the Volkswagen world celebrates as the 15 007 034th Beetle leaves the production line at the Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg – so breaking the Ford Model T’s forty-five year old record as the most produced single model in the history of the motor vehicle.

Production of the Audi Super 90 ends after 3 640 units have been built and production of the Audi 100 range begins in Mar.

Avis Rent-a- car trebles its order for Volkswagen vehicles, which will include 1600cc Beetles, Type 4’s and Microbuses.

The first phase of the expansion programme is completed which includes the new 14 000 square metre paint shop which has the most modern electro-phoretic paint processing equipment and the adjacent new 19 000 square meter assembly hall with five assembly lines. The press shop is extended by 2 800 square meters and the manufacturing hall by 4 500 square meters.

These additions boost production capacity to 300 units per day.

Volkswagen Properties is formed to act as a holding company for VWSA’s property interests.

Another 96 hectares of land is purchased alongside the present plant for future expansion.
After negotiations are concluded with the Lawsons Motor Group, the franchise holders for Volvo in South Africa, production of Volvo cars is started on a contractual basis in Uitenhage.
OctVolkswagen’s R5 million Roodekop complex near Alberton is opened. The total area of the sight is 5.3 hectares with a parts warehouse of 11 800 square metres. The new complex also houses two Transvaal regional offices and a Service Training Centre.

VWSA celebrates a record year and becomes the Republic’s top car manufacturer for the first time with a total of 36 315 cars sold of which a record 21 034 are Beetles.
 VWSA becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of Volkswagenwerk AG. Later in the year it becomes a private company and the name changes to Volkswagen of South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Four South African built Schuler presses are commissioned in the press shop.
20th JuneThe first water-cooled front-engined VW to be sold in South Africa, the Passat, is launched and is an immediate success.
24th OctThe 250 000th Beetle produced in South Africa, a special edition Lux Bug, leaves the production line.

VWSA is South Africa’s leading car manufacturer for the second year running with 47 518 sales.
FebThe 500 000th vehicle built in Uitenhage, a top of the range Audi 100 Coupe S, is completed. This milestone figure includes all Studebakers, Austins, Volkswagens and Volvos assembled at the plant as well as a few tractors and scooters sold in 1949/50.

The 10 000th Passat is assembled in Feb, only eight months after its introduction.

The Audi 80, mechanically related to the Passat, is launched.
1st AugAs from 1 Aug all vehicles sold will have extended warranties. The warranty will  in future be 12 months irrespective of kilometers – instead of six months or 10 000km.
SeptThe 100 000th locally built Transporter leaves the production line, twenty years after  its introduction to the South African market.

Three “Fleetline” Transporter models are introduced. These vehicles from VW Brazil, are based on the original (mark 1) Transporter range.
DecThe last Volvo to be built at VWSA and in South Africa leaves the production line and  VWSA announces that it has reached the 66% required by Government’s Local Content  Programme – a full year ahead of the deadline required.
1976An agreement is signed between VWSA and the Jeep Corporation (a subsidiary of American Motors Corporation) to build and market Jeeps in South Africa. The Beetle celebrates its 25th year in South Africa and on 30 Apr a special limited edition (216 units only) Silver Anniversary Beetle is launched to celebrate the occasion. Mid-year the Audi 80 estate is launched.
AugJeeps start coming off the production line in Uitenhage and are available in two models initially, the CJ-5 and CJ-6.
NovThe Audi 100 GL and GLS Silver Series is launched with distinctive metallic silver paintwork and many luxury features.
 The Jeep CJ 7 is launched in Jan.

The Passat LX hatchback is launched in manual and automatic, and the new Audi 100 range is launched late in the year in four- and five-cylinder versions.
 Noel Phillips leaves VWSA to take up a position with Volkswagen of America. His position as Managing Director is filled by Peter Searle.
May  The VW Golf is launched and becomes an immediate success. This will spell the end of the Beetle as Peter Searle, Managing Director of VWSA announces, “The success of the Golf has been so great and the public reaction to the car so positive that the Beetle has taken a back seat.”

VWSA achieves its highest ever market penetration of 23.9%.
18th JanThe end of an era as the last Beetle leaves the production line in Uitenhage.

VW makes factory rebuilt water-cooled engines available for certain Passat and Golf models initially.
AprThe 20 000th Golf leaves the production line in Apr.
AugThe 60 000th Passat and the 30 000th Golf leave the production line in Aug – the Passat five years after its introduction and the Golf only 15 months after its introduction.
The Type 2 Transporter enters its third generation with a completely redesigned body and new mechanical features.

VWSA announces a R46 million expansion programme.

The 50 000th Golf, a GTS model and the 25 000th Audi leave the production line. The engine reconditioning programme now includes all Audi and Volkswagen petrol engines as well as the Passat and Golf diesel engines.
A SAMAD inspector checks the functional dimenions of a VW locally manufactured 1300 floor frame on a final acceptance gauge
 1981The 750 000th Volkswagen to be built in Uitenhage is driven off the production line by Dr. Otto Hohne, specially flown out from Germany for the occasion. Dr. Hohne was instrumental in the tooling-up and production of the first South African Volkswagen, a Beetle, in 1951.

Volkswagen’s new R15 million engine plant is opened by the Minister of Industries, Commerce and Tourism, Dr. Dawie de Villiers. The high-technology plant will produce 260 engines a day – making the company self-sufficient in all VW and Audi four and five cylinder engines.

The 100 000th Golf leaves the production line – just over three years since its introduction. The car also happens to be the 10 000th VW sold to Avis. The Golf/Jetta has been South Africa’s top selling range for three years

Volkswagen is top car manufacturer for the year with 51 426 passenger cars sold.
The Golf 1 GTi is launched, creating a whole new concept in performance motoring, the “Hot Hatch”.
1983 VWSA officially enters motorsport after a long break, signing rally ace Sarel van der Merwe to drive for them.

Sarel van der Merwe wins the 1983 Group One championship in a Golf GTi.

A R200 million expansion programme is undertaken to provide a new section to build Golf 2. A new paint shop is also expected to come on stream in Apr 1985, which will then be the most advanced of its kind in South Africa.

The all-new Audi 500 range is launched late in the year.
 A new Audi 500e driven by B. Woodhead and H. Allott wins the Fuel Efficiency Award in the Total Economy Run with a mass-corrected consumption of 6.067 litres/100 km.
FebA team of GTi Golfs attack the South African 24-Hour Endurance records. The GTi establishes 18 new records including the prestigious 24-hour record by covering 2 537 km.

The eagerly awaited Citi Golf (a re-incarnated Golf 1) is launched late Feb in three bright colours – red, yellow and blue Golf 2 is launched to wide acclaim.
SeptThe Golf 2 GTi is launched and immediately scores a resounding victory in the Castrol six-endurance race at Killarney racetrack, not only finishing 1st and 2nd on index of performance but also taking 1st and 2nd places overall.
NovVWSA’s School Driver Education Programme is launched under the auspices of the Cape Town Traffic Department. The first five Golfs to be used by schools in the Western Cape are handed over to A. Powell, Headmaster of Plumstead High School by the Mayor of Cape Town, Alderman S. Kreiner.

Work is started on the new R50 million five-storey paint shop.

Sarel van der Merwe, in the awesome Audi Quattro, clinches the SA rally championship
The School Driver Education Programme is extended countrywide after the successful pilot programme in the Western Cape.

Twenty-one Citi Golf’s are allocated to the scheme.

VWSA, in recognition of its outstanding product quality improvement, receives the Annual Quality Award from Volkswagenwerk AG.

Eighteen VW/Audi plants worldwide compete for the award and it is only the second time that the award has been won by a factory outside Germany.

Jetta 2 is launched and late in the year, the eagerly-awaited Jetta 2 CLi, together with the top of the range Passat CLi join the model line-up.

Sarel van der Merwe wins the South African Rally Championship in an Audi Quattro for the second year running and his team-mate Geoff Mortimer is second in the championship in a similar car. They also clinch the Manufacturers Team Award.
 1986The School Driver Education Programme is further extended with 88 Citi Golfs being allocated to the programme.

A 2.1 litre Volksie Bus gains the highest overall score in the CI Towcar of the Year competition. A Golf CL wins class 1 (1400cc and under) and a Golf GTS wins class 3 (1600 to 2000cc). Volkswagen takes the Manufacturers Team Award as well.

A restored 1958 Beetle is shipped to the Volkswagen Museum in Wolfsburg by VWSA to mark the 35th anniversary of the Beetle in South Africa.
NovA Golf 2 leaves the production line and becomes the 1 000 000th vehicle (including all types of Studebaker, Austin etc.) to be assembled in Uitenhage.

Volkswagen wins the 1986 Group N National Championship.
 1987The 1 000 000th Volkswagen (a Jetta CLi) to be assembled in Uitenhage since 31 Aug 1951, leaves the production line early in the year.
6th JuneProduction of the Passat range ends on 6 June.
 1988Sarel van der Merwe sets a new South African Road Speed Record of 358.923 km/h in a modified 2.2 litre Audi Turbo Quattro, beating the record of 308.7 km/h set by Mike d’Udy in a 6 litre Lola-Chevrolet in 1968.

The Audi Turbo is launched late in the year and VW announces that the Audi Quattro Coupe will be available to special order.
 1989The VW Panel Van’s horizontally opposed engine layout, either air-cooled or water-cooled, used since its inception in South Africa in 1955, is dropped in favour of the 1787cc four-cylinder Golf/Jetta engine, making it a uniquely South African vehicle.

The Volkswagen Community Trust is established to promote the acquisition of appropriate education and relevant skills and will spend about R2 million a year on its various community projects.
Dr. Carl Hahn, head of Volkswagen worldwide, opens Volkswagen’s new Cape Town Service Training School and Regional Office.
OctThe 2.0 litre 16 valve Jetta CLi is launched and its stablemate, the 2.0 litre 16 valve Golf GTi is launched in December.

Limited numbers of the Golf 1 Cabriolet are imported towards the end of the year.
A locally developed, unique to South Africa VW Microbus with a 2.5 litre 5 cylinder engine is launched.

The awesome Audi Quattro S2 Coupe becomes available in limited quantities.

VWSA opens a modern motorsport workshop in Uitenhage.

The 60 millionth Volkswagen leaves the production line in Wolfsburg, with South Africa’s contribution to the total being 1.3 million vehicles.

The School Driver Education Programme, sponsored by Volkswagen, Caltex and the National Road Safety Council, is about to enter its eighth year. From modest beginnings with five vehicles, the fleet now consists of more than 500 vehicles.

Port Elizabeth’s Terry Moss wins the Wesbank Modified Saloon Championship in an Audi Quattro Turbo.
The all-new Audi 500 range becomes available and with a choice of either five cylinder or the new V-6 engines.

VWSA clinches an order for 12 500 l.h.d Jetta 2 models from China.
JuneThree price-busting Volkswagens are launched, the Citi Golf Shuttle, the Trippa (Fox) and the Caddy pick-up.
AugThe awesome Audi S4 Quattro is launched. This is the first four-wheel drive sedan to be assembled in South Africa.

Volkswagen purchases the old Ford Neave Township plant in Port Elizabeth. This will enable them to handle the export order for Jetta’s to China.

VWSA announces that R 252 million is to be invested to further develop the Uitenhage factory.
NovThe Golf 3 and Jetta 3 models are launched.
 1993Dr. Ignatio Lopez is appointed to the Board of VWSA

The Jetta VR6 is launched as well as the 10-seater Volksie Bus with the 1800 Golf/Jetta engine.

The China order for Jetta’s is increased by 17 220 units.
 1994VW celebrates the 10th anniversary of the Citi Golf range by launching a limited edition Citi Ritz to mark the occasion.
JulyThe Audi 500 Avant wagon becomes available to augment the Audi range.

Late in the year, the Audi A6 replaces the Audi 500 which was launched in 1992 and the Audi A8 (voted by certain overseas magazines as the Best Car in the World) arrives in South Africa.
DecPeter Searle retires as Managing Director, with the position being filled by Dr. Heinrich Holtmann.
 1995VWAG announces a sponsorship of R 10 million towards the training and development, international exposure, job creation, educational tours and exposure to technical skills of VWSA employees as well as community representatives, entrepreneurs and representatives of the education sector and local government.

A host of new Audi models are planned for launch during the year, including the Audi A6 Avant wagon and the Audi 2.6 cabriolet.

The Golf 3 Cabriolet arrives during the early part of the year, with only 850 examples being imported.
AprThe Citi Golf Chico, the Citi Blues and later in the year the 2.6 litre Microbus are launched.
AugThe eagerly awaited Audi A4 makes its debut.

VWSA achieves a 23.3% market share and number one spot in passenger car sales for the year.
 1996The Audi A4 receives the South African Guild of Motoring Journalists “Car of the Year Award”.

Dr. Hartz is appointed Chairman of VWSA
MayAn all-time production record is set for one month with 7 313 units built.
OctThe Polo Classic is launched to plug the gap between the Citi Golf and the Jetta/Golf ranges.
12th OctThe 50th anniversary of the signing of the agreement between Industrial and Commercial Holdings and the Studebaker Export Corporation in 1946 to assemble Studebaker cars and commercial vehicles in Uitenhage is celebrated.

Avis Rent-a- Car becomes VWSA’s largest customer when a record number of 3 805 vehicles are delivered to them during the year.
SeptVWSA secures an order for 948 Golf 3 GTi’s for the United Kingdom.

VWSA maintains its number one position in the passenger car market with a market share of 23.1%.
Exports of the Golf 3 GTi to the UK begin and at the same time the new Audi A6 is launched in South Africa.

VWSA produces 65 000 cars of which around 6 000 are exported to Europe, Australia and Africa.

VWSA win the South African Rally Championship as Jannie Habig and Douglas Judd take the title in a Golf
Hans-Christian Maergner becomes Managing Director replacing Dr. Heinrich Holtmann.

All VW vehicles now carry a three-year 120 000km warranty.
11th MayThe announcement is made by VWSA Managing Director Hans-Christian Maergner of a R5 billion export deal to supply 68 000 Golf 4’s to the UK. Production starts in July and it is expected that the first 8 000 will be delivered by year-end, the balance of 60 000 to be delivered in 1999/2000.

VWSA currently exports 5 000 third generation Golf GTi’s to the UK and 500 Audi A4’s to Australia.

Capital expenditure of R150 million is to be undertaken to expand assembly lines to cater for export production and a further R10 million for the training of employees on the export programme.

Component exports such as leather for seats, catalytic converters, alloy wheels and wiring harnesses are expected to top R600 million for the year.
JulyThe Polo Playa, the hatchback version of the successful Polo Classic, is launched.

VWSA celebrates the delivery of the 50 000th vehicle (a Polo Playa) to Avis Rent-a- Car.
OctA whole range of new cars which are to be imported are shown at the Auto Africa exhibition and include the Passat, T4 Caravelle, Golf 4 Cabriolet, Sharan, Audi A3 and the sensation of the show, the New Beetle.
NovThe Audi A3 is launched and the 50th anniversary of the first vehicle off the production line in 1948, (a Studebaker), is celebrated.

VWAG confirms that VWSA will continue to build Golf 4’s for export for the remainder of the life-cycle of the model.
18th Feb
The 50th anniversary of the official opening of the factory.
MarThe Golf 4 arrives, setting new class standards.
SeptJetta 4 is launched to wide acclaim.

VWSA becomes the largest motor manufacturer on the African continent.

Jannie Habig and Douglas Judd once again win the South African Rally Championship in a Golf.
The first shipment of 219 New Beetles arrives on the ship “Euro Spirits”.
FebThe eagerly-awaited New Beetle is available for sale.
JuneVWSA becomes the official vehicle provider to the South African Rugby Football Union.
SeptThe stunning Audi TT is launched, in Coupe and Roadster variants.

A new Citi Golf breaks ground, the Citi.com and scores a first in the motor industry by offering cyber-surfers the opportunity to order it over the internet, with the site going live early in Sept.

VWSA receives the South African Retail and Leasing Award for Manufacturer of the Year and is included in the “Most Promising Companies” publication because of the way it had “grasped the challenge of the global market and is delivering vehicles that meet and often exceed international quality standards to Europe, the UK and Australia”.
NovVWSA is the leading vehicle manufacturer with a record-breaking 9 063 vehicles coming off the production line during the month. New vehicle market share rises to 24.2%.

Another highlight of the year is the establishment of the VW Education and Training Institute (ETI) to focus on worker and management training.
 2001VWSA announces that it will invest R1 billion in the Eastern Cape over the next four years. The money will be used to upgrade manufacturing facilities, new product developments and other projects.
FebThe 75 000th export Golf 4 comes off the production line.
MarPlans for a R4.8 million world-class test track for the testing of its vehicles are announced by VWSA
AprVWSA announces that its rally cars will carry the Tourism Port Elizabeth website address as part of their livery to promote Nelson Mandela Bay.

The spectacular Audi A6 Allroad Quattro is launched.

Eight specially tuned Golf GTi’s are handed over to the Scorpions Investigation Unit by VWSA.

The last Audi A4 is built in Uitenhage during Apr. From now on, all Audi’s will be imported including the new generation A4 just launched.
MayThe super quick Audi S6 and S8 Quattro’s are launched

VWSA is awarded five silver Loeries at the South African Advertising Awards ceremony at Sun City.
JulyVWSA announces a R2.2 billion five-year export contract to supply catalytic converters to VWAG for the new Polo model.
AugA further contract for catalytic converters for export to Europe and China worth R1.7 billion is announced.
31st AugVolkswagen celebrates the 50th anniversary of the first South African Volkswagen to leave the assembly line in Uitenhage.

The first car was a Volkswagen sedan (Beetle).
SeptVWSA celebrates its 50th anniversary by announcing a R1.5 billion investment program over the next five years.
OctVWSA’s new 90ha R5 million vehicle test track in Uitenhage is opened.
NovVWSA announces that in a strategic move, a major realignment of its VW and Audi dealers will take place to bring them in line with international standards of the VW Group. VW dealers will be cut from 132 to 112 and Audi dealers from 61 to 48.

More export contracts are announced, this time for the supply of alloy wheels and driveshafts to Audi AG in Europe. The contracts are worth R95 million.

VWSA’s leadership of the new car market continues. Nov is the ninth consecutive month that VW has led the new car market.
Production of the Audi Super 90 commences early in the year.
MarThe Audi A4 1.9 TDI scoops the South African Guild of Motoring Journalists “Car of the Year” award.
AprThe Passat 2.3 V5, the Audi A4 2.5 TDI and the diesel Golf Estate are launched.
21 JuneA sad day for all Microbus/Kombi fans. The last T3 Microbus rolls off the production line ending 47 years of production in Uitenhage, with a total of 264 934 being built. The second-last Microbus is sold to Viamax Fleet Management.

The Citi Golf is “wallet friendly” and is proved, in a report by motoring journalist Malcolm Kinsey, to be the cheapest car in SA to repair.
JulyThe 1.4 and 1.6 litre Polo Playa and Classic models are enhanced by the introduction of Special Edition packages and will be badged as the 1.4S and 1.6S.
SeptThe Audi A4 2.5 litre V6 TDI Avant station wagon is launched.
OctVWSA’S MD Hans-Christian Maergner announces a R1.7 billion refurbishment plan for the factory for 2003 in addition to the R1.7 million recently spent on the “Gateway”, the new entrance to the plant.

The new four-model Polo range is launched during Oct (which includes SA’s first three cylinder diesel) and sets new standards for its class. Another innovation is the announcement that a satellite navigation system (SatNav) will be available as an option on the new Polo.
17th Mar
VWSA celebrates the production of its two millionth vehicle, a silver Jetta 4.

The new Polo Classic is launched.
25 MarThe Polo 1.4 TDI scoops the “Car of the Year” award.
MayThe stunning 132 kW Golf GTi joins the range. The Golf celebrates its 25th anniversary in South Africa.
JulyVWSA MD Hans-Christian Maergner turns the first sod for the foundation for VW’s new AutoPavilion heritage centre at the entrance to the plant, which will showcase the cars built at VWSA’s plant since 1948 as well as highlighting more than 50 years of corporate history.

VWSA receives “Investors in People” accreditation, the international standard which recognises companies aiming to develop their employees to their full potential, to their benefit and to the benefit of the company.

Another components export order to Europe and China worth R350 million is announced.
AugIn addition to the export orders for the Golf, the R5 billion a year contract is extended to include the popular new Polo which, with the Golf, will be exported to the Asia Pacific region.
OctThe mind-numbing, brutally fast Audi RS 6 is Launched, as well as the new Audi A3. The LT range of Transporters, which will break new ground for VWSA in the medium commercial vehicle market is also launched.

A revamped CitiGolf gets a new dash, one-piece windows in the front doors and many other detail changes to keep it “forever young”.
DecThe year ends with the announcement that VWSA is to invest R572 million during 2004, part of a R2.4 billion investment over the next five years.

VWSA announces that it is to enter the medium commercial vehicle market with the importation of the successful LT range of commercial vehicles

MD Hans-Christian Maergner leaves to take up a post in Brazil and is succeeded by Andreas Tostmann.
 2004VWSA announces the introduction of a new single-seater series, Formula Volkswagen. The series officially gets under way this season with a challenge series before becoming a full-blown national championship next year.
16 MarSituated at the main entrance to the plant, VWSA’s AutoPavilion, the R13 million state-of- the-art heritage centre to portray its rich history, is officially opened by MD Andreas Tostmann.

A six year contract worth R12 billion to supply and export 35 000 five-cylinder TDI engines a year to VW facilities in Europe is announced. The engines are to power VW’s LT range of commercial vehicles. An extra R240 million has been earmarked for facilities to accommodate the engine export contract.

The new Technology Support Centre at VWSA’s service centre is announced.
MarA number of important launches take place. The stunning Audi A8 breaks cover in Mar and the Touareg, (VW’s luxury SUV) in Apr.
AprGreat celebration as the 200 000th export vehicle leaves the production line, proving that the world has recognised the quality of products built in Uitenhage. Exports of the Polo and new Golf begin to the Asia Pacific region.
MayThe versatile VW Touran MPV range is launched.
JulyThe new T5 range is launched and VW goes back to its roots with the return of the “Kombi” name to the lineup.
AugGolf 5 is launched early in the month and chalks up 1 300 sales in its debut month. The motoring press heaps praise on the new Golf.

An all-time record of 9 900 vehicles is produced during Aug.
SeptVWSA consolidates its market share with a year-to- date total of 50 645 units sold at a 20.9% share. Sales are up 21% on the same period in 2003.
OctThe Caddy range, which includes the Caddy panel van and the Life MPV, is launched. The evergreen Citi Golf range gets a lift with the addition of the VeloCiTi, launched at Auto Africa during Oct.
NovThe brilliant new Audi A6 arrives and as with the new Golf, the motoring press is lavish with its praise.

VWSA’s Government Sales Department achieves a 21.7% share of the total Government market.

The year ends on a high note with an all-time production record of 88 488 vehicles produced, of which more than 30 000 have been exported. Market share of the total passenger car market is 21% with VW sales of nearly 60 000 cars and Audi in excess of 10 000, both record sales results. More than 1 200 new jobs are created at the plant.
VWSA announces it is to enter the South African truck manufacturing market. It will introduce VW trucks and buses within two years. A new truck and bus facility will be established on a site adjoining the plant, a R300 million investment.
FebThe new Audi A4 range is launched, the motoring press heaping praise on it as they did for the new A6 a few months ago.
MarVWSA’s popular AutoPavilion celebrates its first birthday and its 25 000th visitor and CitiGolf celebrates its 21st birthday.
AprThree floors of the old Carlton Hotel are revamped for the customer and dealer launch of the much-anticipated Golf 5 GTi; the same venue used for the Golf 2 launch in 1984.
MayA start is made on a new R750 million paint shop which is expected to be completed by Mar 2006, with the painting of vehicles starting in Dec 2006.

The Volkswagen Driving Academy is officially launched at the Kyalami Grand Prix circuit and will include tuition in a wide variety of driving situations.
1st JuneThe 750 000th Golf leaves the production line. It is a Candy White 2.0 litre. A red one is substituted for the Photographs.

Audi makes a highly anticipated return to motorsport with two Audi’s entered into the Vodacom Power Tour Production Car Series.
JulyThe restyled Polo range is launched and the Audi A3 four-door Sportback with the new corporate grill joins the A3 lineup.

An Audi A4 2.0 T FSI Avant driven by Rod Kinsey and navigated by Nobby Noble is the overall winner in the petrol-powered section of the 29th annual Total Economy Run.

The Audi achieves a fantastic consumption of only 6.64 l/100 km over the 985.5 km route using a single tank of fuel with 4,56 litres still left at the end.

An all-time production record of 10 637 units is achieved during July as well as an all-time sales record of 8 176 units (passenger and commercials).
AugBryan Morgan and Robert Briggs wing their way to Germany as part of VWSA and VW Motorsport Germany’s Driver Exchange Programme to participate in races at the famous Nurburgring. They will be driving Polo’s.

VWSA donates16 un-saleable left-hand drive vehicles to local schools and colleges for technical training and development skills. The vehicles cannot be legally driven in South Africa.

VWSA sponsors the ThembaCare Centre, a Cape Town based hospice for terminally ill children with Aids, with a 1.6i Caddy Life. The vehicle will be used to transport children, whose parents cannot afford the taxi fare, to the clinic.

Maritzburg United is bought by VWSA and will be relocated to Nelson Mandela Bay (Port Elizabeth/Uitenhage/Despatch). The deal will be part of the company’s comprehensive investment in football and will include a local youth development structure and sponsorship of a Premier Soccer League side.

Sales for Aug reach an all-time high of 9 001 units for the month, beating the previous record of 7 873 units set in July, while a previous monthly production record of 10 637 units is also broken with 11 031 units produced.
SeptVWSA announce their sponsorship of Premier Soccer League giant, Moroka Swallows.

The production of the 250 000th export vehicle, a Polo, is celebrated on 19 Sept.
OctMarketing of the “Volksbus” starts with the initial range consisting of nine, seventeen and eighteen ton GVM busses with a passenger capacity of 16 and 65 persons – depending on configuration.

The new sixth generation Passat is launched in Oct with eight models being planned to be introduced by Mar 2006. The VW Commercial Vehicles range is expanded with the introduction of the T5 Transporter, designed to offer flexible transport solutions for medium and small operators as well as to large fleet owners. The sizeable carrying capacity was demonstrated in a novel way by loading all its launch units with groceries which were donated to a charity from Soweto. Similar donations will be made when the launch roadshow goes to Durban and Cape Town.

Jan Habig in his S-2000R BP Volkswagen Polo makes history when he becomes the first driver in the world to win an S2000 championship as defined by the FIA. He and navigator Douglas Judd also win the Sasol SA Rally Championship.

While sales for Oct decline 7.1% over Sept, VWSA records its best-yet monthly passenger vehicle sales of 9 106 units. Its highest-ever monthly production volume of 11 571 units is also reached.
NovVWSA celebrates the production of 100 000 vehicles in one year on 16 Nov, the first time this has been achieved. The 100 000th vehicle, a red Golf GTi, is driven off the line by MD Andreas Tostmann.

In 2004, VWSA produced 88 488 units.

VWSA passes the TUV Quality Management System with 99%. Compliance with these international standards are compulsory requirements for exports to Europe. An Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) is also successfully completed.

The second Volkswagen Cycle Tour takes place on Sunday 17 Nov, starting from VW’s AutoPavilion. Participants can choose from two routes, a 25km Scenic ride or a more gruelling 75km route. Participating in this route will automatically qualify to be entered into a lucky draw after The Herald Volkswagen Tour in Feb 2006 to win R25 000 in prize money or a brand new 1.4 Citi Chico.
DecVWSA is awarded the prestigious 2005 international HIV/Aids award for Business Excellence in recognition of its fight to combat the spread of the disease amongst its employees.

A record-breaking 2005 sees VWSA sell 90 998 passenger vehicles, up 28% on 2004, earning a market share of 21.5% and winning the passenger car sales race in number one spot. VW’s Commercial Vehicles brand also enjoys huge success with year-on- year growth of 93%.

VWSA produces an unprecedented 112 345 units in 2005 and becomes South Africa’s number one vehicle exporter.
Andreas Tostmann announces that VWSA, since 2000 and including future spending to 2008 will have invested R6-billion in new models, a new paint shop and a new bus and truck assembly plant.

The 200 000th Polo leaves the production line. VWSA’s passenger car sales (including Audi) for Jan are 7 218, up 31% on sales for Jan 2005. Geniel de Villiers and navigator Tina Thorner finish second in the Dakar Rally, the world’s toughest, in a Touareg.
1st FebMike Glendinning becomes Director of Sales and Marketing, replacing Jolyon Nash who resigned at the end of 2005.

The new Jetta 5 is presented to dealers on 25 Feb, with customer launches taking place during Mar.

The Audi A-3 Sportback is crowned South African Car of the Year.
MarThe 800 000th Golf (a fifth-generation model) is produced.

Theresa Laaka-Daniels is appointed to oversee the Corporate Development and Transformational needs of VWSA.

The eagerly awaited fifth generation Jetta is launched towards the end of Feb.
AprTwo Passat Sportline models are launched, the 2.0 litre FSI Tiptronic and the range-topping 3.2 litre V-6.
23rd MayThe roof-wetting ceremony of the new R750-million paint shop takes place. The facility is expected to be operational by the first quarter of 2007.

A Lower Saxony delegation, including the Prime Minister of the Federal State of Lower Saxony, Christian Wulff, visits VWSA.
JuneThe exciting SEAT range from VW’s Spanish subsidiary is launched mid-month.
JulyAn all-time record is established when VWSA produces 11 943 units, beating the previous record volume of 11 571 units set in Oct 2005.
AugThe record production figure set in July is shattered in Aug when 12 208 units are produced. On 31 Aug 618 units are produced, the highest daily production in the company’s history.
1st SeptNonkqubela Maliza is appointed Corporate and Government Affairs Director, based in Midrand.

A 1.6 litre, 77 Kw automatic is added to the highly successful Polo range.
OctA new and exciting CitiGolf is unveiled at Auto Africa. The 90 kW R-Line is the most powerful production CitiGolf ever.

A new monthly production record is set once again, with 13 384 units produced during Oct.

Banoyolo Hlalukana appointed Product Public Relations officer – effective 1 Nov.
21st NovTragically, nine of the AutoPavilion’s cars are damaged beyond repair when the auto carrier returning them to Uitenhage after being displayed in Cape Town as part of VWSA’s 55th anniversary celebrations, overturns. Destroyed, amongst others, are the last Beetle and last T 3 microbus built in Uitenhage.

VWSA sponsors the South African Business Coalition on HIV and AIDS (SABCOHA) with a new Caddy Life TDi.
1st DecGuest of honour, President Thabo Mbeki, and VWSA Managing Director Andreas Tostmann officially open the new R750-million state-of- the-art paint shop.

Stephan Mund Finance Director Volkswagen Auto Europa Portugal, appointed Finance Director of VWSA effective 1 Dec.

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Division donates almost R40 000 to the House of Resurrection Aids Haven and the Lake Farm Centre. The money is raised by the sale of 391 Constellation model trucks at the Auto Africa Motor Show in Johannesburg.

VWSA is South Africa’s passenger car market leader with sales of 106 113 units (up from 90 998 units sold in 1995). Sales were made up of 92 424 Volkswagen brand, 13 006 Audi brand and 683 SEAT brand vehicles.

The company manufactured 128 001 passenger vehicles during 2006, surpassing the record set in 2005 of 112 345 units.

35 575 Golfs and Polos are exported, mainly to the Asia Pacific Region, earning more than R6 Billion in foreign exchange earnings for the company.
2007 JanAndreas Tostmann takes up position of CEO of Volkswagen Slovakia.

David Powels, former Finance Director of VWSA, and up until 31 Dec 2006 a member of the Board of Management for Finance and Corporate Strategy of Volkswagen of Brazil, becomes Managing Director of VWSA effective 1 Jan.

A consignment of 130 containers containing parts destined for VWSA is lost when the ship, MSC Napoli runs aground off the southern coast of England. As a consequence, the plant is forced to reduce working hours to a four-day week over a four-week period starting 26 Jan.
MarThe Volkswagen Community Trust Save the Children Forum embarks on a local sustainable development initiative, a bakery project from premises owned by the Edward Cook Methodist Church in New Brighton, Port Elizabeth. Nine NGO’s will feed about 3 000 children with bread from the bakery.

VWSA celebrates the export of the 300 000th vehicle, with a total of more than 870 000 Golfs being built in Uitenhage to date.

The 10 000th Jetta 5 (a silver 2.0 FSI) leaves the production line at the end of Mar.
AprThe Volkswagen Driving Academy assists 100 Nelson Mandela Bay Safety and Security personnel to improve their driving skills in Golf GTis at the Aldo Scribante race track in Port Elizabeth.
MayBob Jones is appointed General Manager: Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles, with effect from 1 May.
JuneA host of new model announcements and launches take place, including the Audi S3 and the CrossPolo, while the new Audi TT and the Constellation truck range are due for launch in July.
JulyVWSA announces two new appointments in its Commercial Vehicle Division effective 1 July – Johan Cloete as General Manager and Jaco Steenkamp as National Sales Manager.

Volkswagen’s Driving Academy receives the new Golf R32 as a new addition to its fleet.
AugSouth African group Freshlyground is sponsored by VWSA with seven Polo GTis which they will drive for the duration of the contract period.

VWSA announces that it is to sell its Bay United football club franchise to BEE partner Izingwe Capital.
SeptThe VW Touareg “Stanley”, the famous “autonomous driverless vehicle” which won the American Grand Challenge sponsored by the US Governments Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, visits South Africa on its world tour. 

A German delegation of retired VW employees visits South Africa, many of whom were contributors to Volkswagen Germany’s “One Hour for the Future” campaign, which sees VW Group employees donate one hour of their salaries/wages to the project to improve the quality of life of orphans in countries like Brazil, Mexico and South Africa. The Sophakama Community-Based Development Initiative, based near Uitenhage, receives a donation from the delegation 

VWSA’s production is disrupted by the NUMSA Component Manufacturers strike. Vehicle production is stopped and 4 000 production employees are sent home. This is the second disruption to hit the motor industry, after the Tyre Industry strike a few weeks previously.

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles sponsors PSL Football Club Moroka Swallows with a luxury Volksbus.
28th SeptA milestone is celebrated as the 500 000th A-1 Golf (Golf 1 and CitiGolf) leaves the production line amid great celebration.
OctThe Audi R8 super sports car is launched. Only nine Audi dealerships are franchised to sell this incredible car, which will only be available in very limited quantities with long waiting lists because of demand.
11th NovVolkswagen sponsors the fourth Volkswagen Cycle Tour with hundreds of cyclists hitting the streets of Uitenhage.
DecJan Habig and Douglas Judd clinch the 2007 SA National Rally Championship, which VWSA wins for the third year in succession, while Audi captures first and second in the Production Car Championships.

Gugu Zulu claims the first national rally title by a black South African after clinching the class A-5 title in his CitiGolf

After almost two years of research and development by a dedicated team, it is announced that the CitiGolf will be EU2 compliant in time for the 1 Jan 2008 introduction of the new emissions legislation – a magnificent achievement by all concerned.

Despite adverse economic conditions, VWSA retains its passenger market leadership for the third successive year with a 22.1% share – 96 142 vehicles sold. The VW brand contributed 82 518 units to the total while the Audi and SEAT brands contributed 12 215 and 1 409 units respectively. CitiGolf remains one of the most popular cars in SA with sales of 26 403 units. Only the VW Polo sells more at 28 047 units. Its closest non-VW rival, the Toyota Yaris, only manages 22 008 units.
VWSA’s Community Trust announces a R1.2 million investment in education in Nelson Mandela Bay. The Trust invested more than R1 million in the Municipality last year.

VW Motorsport provides five CitiGolf rally cars to budding rally drivers though a development programme.
FebVWSA has reduced its daily energy consumption by 10% with an annual saving of R1.2 million since implementing an energy management programme in 2003.
MarVW Commercial Vehicles signs a deal with Imperial FlexiFleet Manufacturing of Heilbron in the Free State for 10 Constellation trucks worth R3.8 million Tom du Plessis is appointed Production Division Head.

Port Elizabeth Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Percci) receives a new Jetta sponsored by VWSA.

The first Commercial Vehicle dealership opens in East London on 6 Mar.

The 13th Lake Farm Charity Run sponsored by VWSA takes place at the end of Mar.

CAR magazine votes the Audi S3 Best Hot Hatch. The Audi A3 Sportback and Audi A8 were voted runners-up in the Best Compact Car and Best Grand Saloon categories respectively.
AprThe Audi A5 and S5 Sports Coupe models are launched and SEAT launches the Leon Cupra.

VW launches its “baby” SUV – the Tiguan.

VWSA delivers its 100 000th vehicle to Avis. The first 96 cars, all 1300cc Beetles, were delivered to Avis in 1971 and by 1998 Avis had taken delivery of their 50 000th vehicle from VWSA.

VW Commercial Vehicles delivers 16 Constellation trucks worth R7 million to Kayreed Board and Timber, a distribution company based in Johannesburg on 30 Apr.
MayVWSA MD David Powels announces that the company will export in excess of 40 000 vehicles in 2008, including a new export contract for 10 250 fifth generation Jettas for countries including Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Great Britain and Ireland.

VW Commercial Vehicles signs a deal worth R4 million with Motorvia for ten Constellation trucks.

The 100 000th fifth-generation Golf for export is manufactured.
JuneAlexander Forbes concludes a deal to provide CitiGolf owners with a unique insurance package.

The VW Community Trust assists the KwaNobuhle Home-Based Care Project with a kombi purchase.

The stunning new Audi A4 is launched.

The company announces it has been awarded a five-year R12 billion component export contract to supply the VW Group with Diesel Particulate Filters in partnership with local catalytic and exhaust system manufacturer Eberspacher SA.

The Caddy Maxi panel van and the Caddy Maxi Life are launched. The Caddy has captured 71% of the half-ton panel van segment.
JulyVWSAs Customer Interaction Centre wins Gold at the World Contact Centre Awards held in London.

The company’s 350 000th export vehicle, a Polo, leaves the production line. It is expected that 10 250 Jettas, 21 000 Golfs and 8 800 Polos will be exported this year.

The VW-sponsored Bay United are promoted to the Premier Soccer League and it is announced that the company will renew its sponsorship of Moroka Swallows.

The Company’s Manager of Corporate Health Services, Dr Alex Govender, is invited to serve on the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on HIV/Aids of the World Economic Forum.
AugThe new Audi Avant is launched, hot on the heels of the new A4 sedan.

The Company announces that it is to cease new SEAT vehicle sales operations by the end of 2008.

The Audi A3 Cabriolet is launched.

Brian Smith, VWSAs long-serving Human Resources Director, retires at the end of Sept after 27 years with the company. Percy Smith takes his place.
1st OctRyan Searle is appointed General Manager: Audi Sales and Marketing.

VWSA announces it is stepping up to the challenges and opportunities presented by the new Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP) by attracting several key national and international component manufacturers to set up operations in Uitenhage. About R1-billion will be invested, which will assist in the creation of at least 1 000 jobs by mid-2009.

The company celebrates the manufacture of the 200 000th five cylinder TDI engine for export.

Another milestone is reached when the Company manufactures its 950 000th Golf. The Golf production milestone includes all Golf Pickups and CitiGolfs.

The end of Oct sees Dr Jochem Heizmann, Chairman of VWSA, visiting the plant and attending the Johannesburg International Motor Show.

Audi wins a gold award for its stand at the Johannesburg International Motor Show.

The end of the 1998 SA Rally Championship season sees the BP VW team claim the top three positions in the championship in their S2000 Polos. The winners are Hergen Fekken with Pierre Arries, Enzo Kuun and Guy Hodgson in second place and Jan Habig and Douglas Judd (the defending champions) in third place. This makes the win the fourth consecutive year the team has taken the championship.
NovThe Merseta (Manufacturing, Engineering and Related Services Seta) recognises VWSA as a Premier Trading Company with a R20 million award for being one of 135 premier trading companies in South Africa.
DecWhile the last fifth generation Golf leaves the production line, the CitiGolf soldiers on – outlasting four generations of its kind.
Tom du Plessis is appointed Production Director.

Andile Dlamini is appointed Volkswagen Brand PR Manager responsible for VW passenger and commercial vehicles.

The Volkswagen Community Trust celebrates 20 years of community transformation with the announcement of an investment of R8 million in community upliftment initiatives in 2009 and beyond. 

Geniel de Villiers makes Volkswagen and South Africa proud when he and navigator Dirk von Zitzewitz win the Dakar Rally (the world’s toughest) in a diesel Touareg. VW makes history when they clinch a one–two victory, the first ever by a diesel-powered vehicle in the automobile class in the Dakar’s 30-year history.
14th JanVWSA launches its Adopt-A- School programme on 14 Jan.
MarThe 375 000th export vehicle, a Polo, leaves the production line. It is announced that the export order for Polos has been increased by 6 000 units, all destined for Europe. 

The company receives the Merseta Chairpersons Award in recognition of its contribution in training people with disabilities.

The new Audi A6 is launched.
AprThe 400 000th Polo manufactured in Uitenhage leaves the production line. The Polo has been South Africa’s most popular car for the past two years and has a year-to- date 19.8% share of the hotly-contested AO market segment. Since 2002 more than 70 000 Polo hatchbacks have been exported. The 6th generation Golf as well as the stunning new Scirocco are launched.
MayVWSA launches its first new production academy in its quest to become a Learning Organisation, with a total of five academies eventually being implemented, namely Production, Leadership, Technical, Commercial and Sales and Marketing.

VWSA announces a R200 million investment in a new parts distribution warehouse in Centurion. The 26 000m2 facility will be seven stories high.
JuneThe sixth generation 2.0 TSI 155 kW Golf GTi is launched. 

The last export AO4 Polo leaves the production line. Since 2002, 78 472 Polo hatchbacks have been exported.
JulyThe last VW truck will roll off VWSA’s production line soon. This follows MAN SEs 100% buy-out of VWAGs Brazil-based Truck and Bus operation in Dec 2008.

MAN will continue production at their Pinetown factory, with the local integrated operation working from the MAN headquarters in Isando.
AugThe Golf 6 gets a common rail 1.6 litre diesel engine and an optional 7 speed DSG gearbox, the first time this has been offered as an option in South Africa.
21st AugThe last CitiGolf leaves the production line after having been built in the Uitenhage plant for 25 years. In total 517 384 A-1

Golfs (Golf 1 and CitiGolf) have been built. No other single vehicle in the history of motoring in South Africa broke as many records and sold in such numbers.
26th SeptThe first Citi Celebrity Challenge takes place at Killarney in Cape Town where twelve celebrities compete against each other in standard 1600cc CitiGolfs to pay tribute to that car’s motorsport heritage.
OctTwo machines, collectively worth R15.4 million, are imported to revolutionise the way VWSA build cars. The machines ensure that car parts fit precisely both internally and externally.

The Caddy Crew Bus is added to the Caddy panel van range.

The second Citi Celebrity Challenge race takes place at Kyalami on 17 Oct, after VW Motorsport was given a bit of breathing space to get the damage from the first race at Killarney repaired.

VWSA is awarded first place in the Large Business category of the inaugural Port Elizabeth Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Industry/South African Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS Health and Wellness Awards. The award is presented to businesses showing exemplary attention to the health and wellness of employees.

VWSA’s Warranty Department receives the Best International VW Importer 2007 – 2009 Award (Warranty Process Audit) in Dresden.

The BP Volkswagen rally team clinches their fifth consecutive national rally title. It is Hergen Fekken and Pierre Arries’ second consecutive national rally title in their BP S2000 VW Polo.

VWSA experiences a record production month in Oct with 15 131 Polo’s, Cross Polo’s and Polo Vivo’s being built. This beats the 13 472 units built in Nov 2006.

VWSA breaks its daily production record on 28 Oct when 697 vehicles leave the production line.
NovVWSA announces the commencement of a major world-wide right-hand- drive export contract for the Polo. VW will export 19 000 Polos to RHD country destinations around the world by the end of 2009 and a further 55 000 to countries including the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and Singapore in 2010.
2nd NovDavid Powels, at a special media conference at VW’s Midrand headquarters, announces that production of the CitiGolf has been discontinued.

Five major component companies invest in the adjacent Nelson Mandela Bay Logistics Park. They will supply directly to VWSA for the Polo contract. The companies are Rehau, Grupo Antolin, Faurecia, Flextech and Benteler Automotive.
12th – 22nd NovThe Goodbye Citi Tour takes place with an MK1, one of the last CitiGolfs built, touring the country – giving fans the opportunity to sign their names and messages on the car.

Citi MK1 number 003 finds itself on BidorBuy to be auctioned to the highest bidder. Bidding opens on 3 Nov and closes on 23 Nov. The car is bought by Port Elizabeth bodyshop owner Dolf Jonker for R300 100, three times its retail price.

The money raised from the auction goes to the Ubuntu Education Fund – a community based organisation.
DecTwo Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles loaned by VWSA participates in Enduro Africa, a charity motorcycle ride which collectively raises in excess of R5.7 million for charity.

The last Polo AO4 and Jetta A5 come off the production line on 10 Dec. The Polo and Jetta will replace the discontinued models.
JanThe Polo hatch is launched and the company announces that it has been selected as the sole manufacturer of all new RHD Polos for local and export consumption. The export order totals 55 000 units.

VWSA’s One Hour For the Future programme donates 1 143 school uniform items to disadvantaged children in Nelson Mandela Bay.
FebThe Learning Academy opens its fourth Production Training Academy. The state-of- the-art Paint Shop Production Training Academy is opened by VWAG Board Member and VWSA Chairperson, Dr Jochem Heizmann.

VWSA sponsors 13 CitiGolfs worth R1 million to technical high schools and further education and training centres.

Audi makes a breakthrough and supplies the SAPS with 17 vehicles.
MarVWSA’s new vehicle in the AO market segment vacated by CitiGolf last year is the recently launched Polo Vivo. The launch takes place at KwaMaritane Bush Lodge at Sun City. Unique to South Africa, the Vivo uses 70% locally sourced parts.

The Golf 6 1.4 TSI Comfortline is voted by the South African Guild of Motoring Journalists as the 2010 Car of the Year.

Audi SA will plant 6 500 trees at schools and homes in disadvantaged communities across Gauteng and introduce a schools food garden at Makgetsi High School.
AprOgilvy PR Cape Town wins the overall PRISM Gold Award for their Goodbye Citi campaign.

The AutoPavilion welcomes its 200 000th visitor.

A first for VWSA and the Port of Port Elizabeth – 2 600 Polos and Cross Polos are exported, the biggest single shipment of cars through the port ever. The cars are loaded on 29 Apr onto the Singapore registered Morning Cello.
MayVolkswagen Commercial Vehicles signs an agreement, with Sarel van der Merwe as the main sponsor of the Spirit of Africa, the premier 4×4 competition in South Africa. This will showcase the capabilities of the Amarok, VW’s brilliant new pickup, the launch of which is scheduled for the third quarter of 2010.
18th JuneProf. Dr. Martin Winterkorn, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG, comes on his first official visit the plant in Uitenhage. While in South Africa, he opens the new R230 million P&A Distribution Centre in Centurion, Gauteng on 17 June.

It is announced that R500 million is to be invested in a new Press Shop for A-plant, which should be operational by mid-2012.

VWAG announces a R20 million investment in a “Love Life” Legacy Project in the Uitenhage region.

VWSA announces a R4.6 million investment into a new pre-school in KwaLanga, Uitenhage.

VW Commercial Vehicles and Ogilvy Cape Town scoop a Silver Cannes 2010 Lion in France for their Crafter press advertisements.
JulyAudi announces the addition of two new models to its line-up – a sedan and cabriolet, both with Audi’s 2.0 litre four cylinder direct injection petrol engine with turbocharger, Quattro all-wheel drive and a 7 speed S tronic dual clutch Transmission.
AugThe Audi A4 2.0 Efficiency is announced, which will drastically cut fuel consumption and emissions, making it the most fuel efficient vehicle in its class.

VWSA’s Learning Academy launches its fifth Production Academy and the first at its Port Elizabeth Plant.

The open-top Audi R8 Spyder is announced to complement the stunning R8 Coupe.
SeptThe new Touareg with BlueMotion Technology hits South Africa.

Volkswagen’s exciting and much-anticipated Amarok Double Cab pick-up is launched for sale and is an instant success.
OctAround this time in 1950 (fifty years ago), negotiations are commenced between Volkswagen Germany and SAMAD for the assembly of the Volkswagen Beetle in Uitenhage. After two fully built-up Beetles are sent from Germany for testing, the final agreement to build the car in Uitenhage is signed in July 1951.

VW and Ogilvy score highly at the 32nd Annual Loerie Awards – picking up seven awards – two Golds, two Silvers and three Bronzes.

The record number of 2 600 cars exported through the Port of Port Elizabeth in Apr is shattered on 31 Oct when 3 141 cars (Polos and Cross Polos) are loaded onto the UK-registered Tortugas – destination Emden in Germany.
NovThe Polo, manufactured in Uitenhage, wins the prestigious Japan Import Car of the Year 2010/2011 award. The Polo was also runner-up in the closely contested Japan Car of the Year Competition.
DecVolkswagen announces a sponsorship alliance with the popular South African multi-platinum selling rock band, the Parlotones. The SAPS in Gauteng takes delivery of the first batch of 200 Golf GTi’s, most of which will be used for visible policing. The AutoPavilion puts Jannie Habig’s blue Golf 4 rally car on display. Habig won the SA Rally Championship three years in a row in this special car.

The company achieves level 4 B-BBEE contributory status and achieves a successful result in TUV AUDITS of QMS, EMS and OHS management systems.

The Polo and Golf models now include the groundbreaking BlueMotion technology in the model line-up. This puts these models in the forefront of fuel efficiency and they lead their respective classes by a large margin. The Polo Vivo is the top selling car in SA for 2010 with 23 297 sales. The Polo sold 16 006 units, ensuring that the Polo range continues to dominate the entry level segment of the market. VWSA is the top manufacturer with 67 023 sales.
VWSA commits a further R 2 million to the Department of Education’s Adopt-a- Dinaedi-School Project in Atteridgeville and Hammanskraal.

For the third year running, Team Volkswagen claims the Dakar Rally title – filling the first three places. South Africa’s Geniel de Villiers comes in second.

Audi of SA poses its best retail month of all time with 1 870 units sold.
FebConstruction of Volkswagen’s new 11 500 m2, R500 million “green” Press Shop begins. It is expected to be fully operational by mid-2012.

The trendy new Audi A-1 is launched.

Hubert Waltl, member of Volkswagen’s Board of Management responsible for Global Production and Chairman of VWSA, spends a day at the plant.
MarThe Polo makes it two in a row for VWSA when it is announced as joint winner of the 2011 Wesbank/SAGMJ Car of the Year together with the BMW 530d. The Golf was the 2010 winner.

VWSA celebrate its 100 000th new generation Polo export.

Audi launches a fully functional mobile website and is the first Premium brand to do so.

Volkswagen captures 20.7 % of the market in Mar and the Polo Vivo is once again the top seller.
AprBill Stephens, General Manager Communications Division for the past seven years, retires at the end of Apr. He will be replaced by Matt Gennrich, currently General Manager Franchise Operations.
MayFor the tenth year in succession, Volkswagen has sponsored Rally to Read which provides educational resources to rural schools. This year’s contribution takes the form of the sponsorship of two vehicles at R25 000 per vehicle.

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles unveils the Amarok Single Cab at the Nampa Harvest Day Show in Bothaville on 17 May.
JuneVWSA announces the sponsorship of the Group, a pathfinder programme for health reform, with an Amarok and a T5 Kombi. The Apex awards take place at the beginning of June in Cape Town and VW’s advertising agency, Ogilvy, scoops two awards in the “launch” category – a bronze Apex for the Amarok launch and a silver Apex for the Polo Vivo launch.

The new Audi A6 is launched, continuing Audi’s product offensive.

VW Commercial Vehicles announces a R 2 million sponsorship of six Amarok bakkies to the Rhino Protection Initiative, part of the partnership between VW Commercial Vehicles and the Wilderness Foundation.

VWSA reports record deliveries for the first six months of 2011, with a 38% growth in sales year-on- year with 47 098 units sold compared to 33 996 for the same period in 2010.

The VW brand contributed 4 572 units, Audi 8 392 and VW Commercial Vehicles 4 134 units to the total. VW Commercial Vehicles showed a 192% increase over 2010 sales, mainly due to the success of the Amarok. This makes VWSA top seller for the third month in a row.
JulyWork kicks off at the beginning of the month on VW’s R30 million dealership in Soweto, which is scheduled to start retailing in Nov.

The Industry Policy Action Plan Portfolio Committee recently praised VWSA for its local content strategy plan. The Polo Vivo was singled out with its better than 70% local content.

A VW Golf 1.6 TDi BlueMotion wins the diesel category of the 2011 Total Economy Run with a consumption of 4.39 litres / 100 km.

VW extends its sponsorship of soccer team Moroka Swallows for a further two years and acquires the naming rights to the Dobsonville stadium.
AugVWSA celebrates its 60th year in South Africa.

VWSA is the first motor company to be awarded Level 4 B-BBEE status for 2010/2011 VWSA presents the last two of 10 Polo Vivo’s to the Centre for Early Childhood Development and Ntataise.

At the end of Aug VWSA opens a new R60 million Training Academy in Centurion to provide high-quality training courses to improve the performance of its dealers.
SeptThe Amarok has been a star performer in the marketplace and is now also a star performer as it takes on Africa in the TV series “Voetspore”.

A Golf 1.6 TDI BlueMotion sets a new South African record for the distance travelled by a passenger car without refueling – 1 941 km and achieves a consumption of 3.29 litres per 100 km.

South African President Jacob Zuma pays a visit to the Uitenhage plant on 28 Sept.
14th OctThe Volkswagen Group is honoured with the 2011 International German PR Award in the CSR communications category for its international cross-media campaign “1:0 for Volkswagen – Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa”. The award was presented in Weisbaden in Germany and is the German PR industry’s most prestigious award.

The Golf 6 Cabriolet, together with the New 21st century Beetle, the new Tiguan, the Polo R and VW’s World Rally Championship contender, are displayed at the Johannesburg International Motor Show in Oct.

VWSA celebrates its highest ever production record of 128 535 units.
17th NovVWSA successfully passes a Quality Management System audit by the German Certification Body of TUV NORD CERT GmbH. Without this certification VWSA would not be allowed to export vehicles or components.
18th NovThe Audi Q3 is launched.
DecThe Audi S4 Quattro’s claim one-two in the Bridgestone Production Car Championship Class A.
The Audi Q3 is voted by readers of OFF ROAD magazine as their favourite off-road vehicle in the “Crossover” category.

The Audi Q5 and the Audi A6 Allroad Quattro each took second place in the categories “SUV” and “Luxury Crossover” respectively Following on the sold-out success of the Audi R8 GT Coupé, Audi South Africa introduces the Audi R8 GT Spyder on special order.
FebThe introduction of the Golf Cabriolet, which was unveiled at the Johannesburg International Motorshow in Oct 2011, completes the Volkswagen Golf model range in South Africa.

Volkswagen celebrates the 35th anniversary of the iconic Golf GTI in 2011 with the introduction of special edition Golf GTI Edition 35.

The Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Brand in South Africa records 1 111 sales during the month – its highest sales month ever. This tops the Brand’s previous best sales month  (1 015 units) in Aug 2011. The Amarok model range accounts for 817 units of the record sales, followed by Caddy commercial models with 159 units and T5 Transporter range with 135 units.

The record sales in Feb helps Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Brand to achieve its best ever market share of 8.2 percent in the light commercial vehicle segment.
MarAudi South Africa announces the introduction of Audi connect on-line services. Audi connect includes navigation via Google Earth Imagery and Google Street View, integral WLAN hotspot for internet access on the move and a Point of Interest Search for quick navigation services.

The BP Volkswagen rally team contests round one of the 2012 SA National Rally Championship in KZN. This event is the first outing for the brand-new BP Volkswagen Polo S2000.  
29th MarDeputy President Kgalema Motlanthe officially opens the Volkswagen dealership in Soweto, Soweto Volkswagen. The R30 million Soweto Volkswagen is a joint venture between Barloworld Automotive and Maponya Group. The dealership is located on 8 000 m2 motor retail site in the heart of the Soweto in the proximity of the township’s struggle landmark streets and monuments.
AprAudi South Africa ventures into a new market segment: The Audi Q3 is a premium compact SUV.

The BP Volkswagen rally team campaigns a tough Sasol Rally, emerging with their first S2000 podium place of the season after two gruelling days of competition. Hans Weijs Jnr and Bjorn Degandt rallied their BP Volkswagen Polo S2000 to third place in the event, round two of the South African national rally season.

The Group Parts Division of VWSA introduces a range of affordable parts for its Volkswagen models that are older than five years. ‘Economy Parts’ as they are branded, have been specifically designed for Volkswagen and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles models whose warranty period has expired.

The Chairman of VWSA, Hubert Waltl, turns the first sod at the site of the new LoveLife Youth Centre in KwaNobuhle, Uitenhage. The R20 million LoveLife Youth Centre aims to make a meaningful impact in the lives of the youth of the Uitenhage area. It will offer youth specialised counselling services and also provide support to teenagers and parents. Additionally, it will have outreach programmes covering nearly 20 000 young people annually in the 20 surrounding schools.

Polo Vivo has been the top-selling Brand in the South African passenger car market for the past 18 months. This despite new models being launched into the market on a nearly monthly basis, and more expected in the near future.

VWSA continue to support the Uitenhage Mayor’s office with the presentation of a new Volkswagen mayoral car.
MayVolkswagen has restored the last Beetle ever built in its manufacturing plant in Uitenhage. The Beetle was practically destroyed in a vehicle carrier accident in 2006.
JuneVWSA Customer Interaction Centre (CIC) scoops Gold at the Contact Centre World’s Top Performers Conference and Awards held in the United Kingdom.
JulyVolkswagen Group South Africa’s Engine plant in Uitenhage is again operating at full capacity after receiving an additional export order from China. The additional order of over 12 000 engines means that the Engine plant will now run at full capacity with three working shifts for the remainder of the year. The plant is scheduled to produce 107 200 engines in 2012, of which 50 200 engines are for the locally built Polo and Polo Vivo models, whilst 57 000 engines will be produced for three export markets, namely India, Mexico and China which is VWSA’s biggest export market for engines.
AugAudi SA announces the Audi A-8 L Security, the high security version of long –wheelbase version of the Audi A-8 L 6.3 litre W-12

VWSA donates a T5 minibus to the Robben Island Museum. The vehicle, which was previously on loan to the Museum, transports VIP guests visiting this National and World Heritage site. The Volkswagen Touareg is now offered with an optional R-Line package to complement and enhance its sporty design.

The Touareg is the first model in the current Volkswagen model range to be offered with the optional R-Line Package.
SeptJayde Kruger crowned 2012 Formula Volkswagen national champion after the penultimate race at Killarney in Cape Town.
OctTwo high performance Audi’s are released for sale, the V-6 245 kW S-4 Avant and the V-8 331 kW RS-4 Avant.
10th OctThe powerful and sporty Audi S-6 and S-7 Sportback are announced as well as the S-8 and 2nd generation “new Beetle”

VWSA awarded the highest accolade at the WasteCon 2012 Top Green Organisation Gala Event in East London.
NovGugu Zulu and Carl Peskin claim the S 2000 Challenge title for 2012 in their Polo. Kevin van der Linde claims the national Engen Volkswagen Cup title for 2012 at 16 years old – the youngest driver ever to claim a national circuit racing title in South Africa.

Volkswagen claims the honours in the Bridgestone Production Car Championship with Graeme Nathan in his Golf GTi taking the Title in class T. Volkswagen also claimed the Manufacturer’s title for 2012

At a gala event held in Sandton Volkswagen won Gold in three categories in the South African Rental and Leasing Association Motor Manufacturer of the year Awards including Overall Manufacturer of the Year. Audi won the Most Improved Leasing category.

VWSA’s Customer Interaction Centre’s Ryan Kleinhans was awarded Silver in the category of Best Operational Contact Centre Manager at Contact Centre World’s Top Performers Conference held in Las Vegas.

VWSA tops the passenger car market for the fourth consecutive year. The group sold 107 689 units in the total market made up of 99106 Volkswagen and 16743 Audi with the balance commercial vehicles. Polo and Polo Vivo were top selling passenger cars accounting for 14.4 % of that market in 2012. 

VWSA human resources employee Liza Wilmot has won a prestigious accolade at the 56th gala convention of the HR industry’s professional body, the Institute for People Management (IPM).

The Volkswagen Group presented its ‘Best Apprentice Award 2012’ to its top young achievers from all over the world. VWSA’s Mechatronics technician; Magdalene Pokbaas, was one of the talent recipients at this year’s international awards.

VWSA cleans up at the 18th annual SA Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (Savrala) Motor Manufacturer of the Year awards. The awards saw VW scoop gold for the coveted Manufacturer of the Year in both the leasing and rental categories.

Audi won the Most Improved Leasing and Overall Most Improved categories, while VW again took gold for Overall Manufacturer of the Year, as well as Best Manufacturer’s Technical Representative in the leasing category.
30th NovThe R20-million VWSA LoveLife Youth Centre in KwaNobuhle is officially opened.
The Amarok is the first pickup to get an innovative eight speed automatic transmission.

VWSA ends 2012 as the market leader of the passenger car segment in South Africa for the fourth consecutive year with the total sales of 99 106 units (Volkswagen – 82 363 and Audi – 16 743) and overall market share of 22.3%.

An entry-level engine is added to the Audi TT Coupé range from Jan 2013, providing customers with a more affordable entry into the compact sports car segment.

VWSA records a positive start to 2013 with sales of 10 511 units (Volkswagen Passenger – 8 226; Audi – 1 555 and Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles – 730) in the total vehicle market in South Africa. The achievement gave VWSA market leadership in both the total and passenger car markets in Jan 2013 and market share of 19.1%.
FebTwo of the powerhouses of South African motorsport have joined forces for the 2013 national motorsport championship season. Volkswagen and Sasol announce a partnership which will form one of the most formidable collaborations in the national rally championship.

Golf 7 – ‘the best Golf ever’ – is launched in SA, five months after its Paris Motor show launch in Sept 2012.

Also launched in Feb is an addition to the best-selling Polo range, the Polo Maxx which boasts exterior and interior features that set it apart from the rest of the range, available only in hatch form and with a 1.6 lit 77 kW engine.

The Audi A7 Sportback family expands – the new 3.0 TDI 150 kW engine entry level model is launched Audi South Africa announces the introduction of the highly anticipated Audi A4 Allroad quattro® to the Audi A4 family.

VWSA maintained its leadership in the South African car passenger market with the total sales of 8 516 units and a market share of 23.2% in Feb 2013.
MarThe new Golf is Europe’s “Car of the Year 2013.” The renowned international “Car of the Year” Award is deemed one of the most important barometers in the automotive industry.

The entry level engine of the Amarok model range has been upgraded from 90kW to 103kW.

In a show of support for the Maranatha Streetworker Trust’s 10th anniversary, over 70 VWSA employees participated in Show of Hands volunteer action at the Maranatha facility in Port Elizabeth.

The Amarok scoops Towcar of the Year award for 2013 competing against 10 other formidable contenders and with 8 critical judges scoring the vehicles.
15th MarDr Hubert Waltl, the Chairman of the VWSA Board of Management officially opens the R564 million state-of- the-art Press Shop in Uitenhage.
22nd MarThe new Nelson Mandela Bay Science and Technology Centre is officially opened in Uitenhage VWSA contributed R4 million towards the over 80 exhibits in the centre.

The R8 is now more dynamic and powerful than ever before thanks to numerous improvements, including a newly developed seven-speed S tronic gearbox. The line-up comprises three different engine variants: the R8 V8, the R8 V10, in both Coupé and Spyder guise; and the new R8 V10 plus, available only in the Coupé.
AprVolkswagen launches the first open top version of the icon: the Golf GTI Cabriolet with 155 kW.

VWSA retained its leadership position in the South African car passenger market in Mar 2013 with the total sales of 8 516 units and a market share of 22.8%. In the first three months of 2013, Volkswagen Group South Africa delivered 26 858 passenger cars to its customers and has a dominant passenger car market share of 23.6%.

VWSA wins the prestigious Skills Development Award at the annual Oliver Empowerment Awards held at during the last week of Apr.
MayVWSA’s multimillion rand project aimed at boosting local small businesses has yielded encouraging results. On average the businesses increased turnover by 50% and employee strength by 30%. VWSA strengthens its leadership position in the South African car passenger market in Apr 2013 with the total sales of 8 463 units and a market share of 24.6%.
4th – 5th MayKelvin van der Linde and Jordan Pepper (both competitors in the Engen Polo Cup) competed in the Scirocco R-Cup at Hockenheim in Germany. Kelvin claimed 4th position and Jordan a 7th position. CAR magazine, SA’s premier motoring publication, chooses the Amarok as SA’s best leisure bakkie.
JuneVWSA opens a world class sports and recreational facility for its employees at the manufacturing factory in Uitenhage. The R30-million People Pavilion, which caters for indoor and outdoor sporting activities, will be used by all Volkswagen employees and their families on any day of the week.

Kelvin van der Linde claims a double victory and Jordan Pepper a 3rd and 5th overall in the second round of the Scirocco R-Cup held at the Red Bull Ring near Spielberg in Austria. Local company, Principle Plastics, is honoured as one of VWSA’s best suppliers in 2013 at a ceremony in Dresden, Germany. Hatfield Volkswagen Braamfontein won the award for the top performing VW dealership for 2012.
JulyVW Group sales grow Jan to June 2013 compared to 2012. 58140 vehicles sold a, an increase of 10.4% over 2012 giving VW Group SA an 18.1% overall market share and a 24,3% market share in the passenger car market.

Factory tours at the Uitenhage plant are now mobile. A special vehicle, custom-built by VW Motorsport now takes visitors to the plant on factory tours.

VWSA’s Customer Interaction Centre won two Gold Awards at the Contact Centre World’s Top Performers Conference, hosted by the Contact Centre World. The two Gold Awards were for Best Medium-sized Contact Centre and Best Human Resources Practices.
13th JulyVolkswagen volunteers take action for International Nelson Mandela Day. Over 100 VWSA employees reported for volunteer action in a bid to uplift the town centre of Uitenhage by cleaning and beautifying Algoa Road.
AugVWSA achieves its best monthly sales with 10 613 units sold (VW passenger cars 8092, Audi 1750 and VW commercial vehicles 771). Polo Vivo again the best-selling passenger car in SA with 3574 units, the Polo in second place with 2618 units.

Golf GTi in its first retail sales month achieved 477 sales out of total Golf 7 sales of 908. Audi achieved its best monthly sales total ever with sales of 1750 units.

Audi South Africa has enjoyed its best-ever seven months having delivered 11,521 units between Jan and July. This makes Audi the leading premium German brand in year-to- date growth with a year-on- year increase of 21% within the South African market place. The Passat and Passat CC will be available with R- Line packages as an option. The R-Line options are developed by Volkswagen R GMBH. The package amongst many others includes exterior changes to enhance the body, special Mallory 18 inch alloys and an exclusive interior package.

The Golf 7 GTi is launched — the best Golf ever Volkswagen announces brand ambassadors for the new Golf GTI. The South African National Cricket team Test captain, Graeme Smith and Top Chef Benny Masekwameng have been officially announced as the new Volkswagen Golf GTI brand ambassadors.

VWSA announces changes at Board Level: Mike Glendinning VWSA Sales and Marketing Director appointed as Vice President Sales and Marketing at Volkswagen Mexico. Petra Hoffmann Head of Volkswagen Sales and Marketing, Group Genuine Parts and Service in Kassel appointed as Sales and Marketing Director for VWSA.

VWSA has launched a Trade Parts Programme that is aimed at encouraging reputable and professional trade customers to buy genuine parts through Volkswagen dealerships. The programme is an extension of the Volkswagen global trade strategy which has been in place in Europe for over two decades.

VWSA Customer Interaction Centre won the gold award at the Contact Centre Management Group annual Contact Centre Awards held in Kyalami.
30th AugFor the second year running VWSA has been awarded the prestigious SJM Flex Environmental Award – the Exporters Club Eastern Cape top annual environmental accolade – for its efforts to reduce its carbon footprint.
SeptVWSA has been certified by the Top Employer Institute as a Top Employer in South Africa for the third year in a row and as the No. 1 employer in the Automotive Industry for 2013/2014.
OctVWSA sold 87 038 (81 353 in Jan to Sept 2012: +6.5%) vehicles in the first nine months of 2013. The performance gives VWSA 17.8% market share in the total vehicle market in South Africa. Volkswagen’s sales growth of 6.9% outperformed the local total vehicle market growth of 5% by nearly 2% in the first three quarters of the year. In the passenger car market, VWSA is still the market leader with 23.5% market share.

VWSA successful implementation of the environmentally responsible Think Blue. Factory strategy has inspired the first ever Environmental EXPO at the Uitenhage Plant. Employees were treated to an interactive exhibition by environmentally focused businesses and educational talks on the advantages of operating within an environmentally aware business model.

Children of VWSA employees were treated to training by professional coaches at the Soccer Coaching Clinic held on the People Pavilion sports fields earlier this month. In conjunction with NODEFA, VWSA’s People Pavilion team hosted three soccer coaching clinics – 14, 28 Sept and 5 Oct 2013.
NovThe Volkswagen Group presented its ‘Best Apprentice Award 2013’ to its top young achievers from all over the world. Two of VWSA’s engineering apprentices, Diveshini Naidoo and Norman Addis, were among the 40 talent recipients at this year’s international awards.

VWSA’s Customer Interaction Centre walked away with two gold awards at the prestigious international customer service industry awards held in Las Vegas, USA. The contact centre, was awarded gold in the categories of Best medium-sized Contact Centre and Best Human Resources Practices.

VWSA was presented with the Chairman’s Award of Excellence for its Corporate Social Investment (CSI) programmes in the 2013 Investing in Future and Drivers of Change awards ceremony held in Johannesburg. The Investing in Future and Drivers of Change awards ceremony was hosted by Mail & Guardian in partnership with Southern Africa Trust.

Volkswagen still the preferred brand by car leasing and rental companies. For the fourth consecutive year, Volkswagen was announced as the best motor manufacturer by car leasing and rental companies in South Africa.

Organised by VWSA and Built-it Kwa-Nobuhle, a soccer coaching clinic for children was held at the new VWSA People Pavilion and saw retired ace soccer defender Jimmy Tau wow attendees with his skills. Jimmy Tau, who has played for Bafana Bafana, Orlando Pirates and even captained Kaizer Chiefs, popped in to help train VWSA employees’ soccer-loving children.
DecAs the R20-million Volkswagen LoveLife Youth Centre in Uitenhage’s KwaNobuhle township celebrates its first year Anniversary.
6th DecThe Chairman of VWSA, Dr Hubert Waltl who is also a Member of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand responsible for Production and Logistics, officially opened the R30-million People Pavilion on 6 Dec.

The People Pavilion is a sports, recreational, rehabilitation and community facility operating 18 hours a day for the benefit of all VWSA employees and their families.
10th DecVolkswagen’s AutoPavilion welcomes its 450 000th visitor. An unsuspecting visitor was taken by surprise on 10th Dec when she was informed that she was the 450 000th person to walk into the AutoPavilion.

Annetjie Dippenaar’s visit comes nine years after the opening of the AutoPavilion which is also known as “The Place of Cars and Legends” and is still the only automobile discovery centre on the continent.
Volkswagen Group delivers over 9.7 million vehicles in 2013

• Volkswagen Group vehicles sales grow by almost 5%

• VWSA tops the local passenger car market for the fifth consecutive year and gains 22.9% market share

• Polo Vivo and Polo top selling passenger models in 2013

• Audi’s market share in premium segment grows to 22.7%

• VWSA 111 722 units in the total vehicle market Junior Masters – NEED INFO
FebVWSA appoints Carla Wentzel to the position of General Manager: Sales and Marketing for the Volkswagen Passenger Cars Brand.

VWSA accelerates education of children in need with donating a sponsored vehicle to the pioneers of youth development in the Walmer Township (Port Elizabeth), the Masifunde Learner Development project. The much-needed 23-seater Volkswagen Crafter will assist the Masifunde team to safely transport learners to and from school and extra-curricular activities.

VWSA is celebrating the success of its Learning Academy which, after six years and hundreds of millions of rand in investment, has become the industry benchmark for employee education and training. This in-house initiative, which focuses on up-skilling the company’s over 4 300 employees, saw VWSA has spent more than R47-million on skills development last
1st MarVolkswagen Financial Services South Africa (PTY) Limited is established through a joint venture between Volkswagen Financial Services AG and WesBank.
MarVWSA’s popular heritage centre – the AutoPavilion – celebrates 10 years of educating and enthralling visitors. On 1 Mar 2004, VWSA opened the doors of the only automobile discovery centre in Africa and to date over 450 000 school groups, students, foreign and local tourists have been arriving in their droves to enjoy the latest technology and edutainment offered at the AutoPavilion.
12th AprVWSA’s world class sporting facility, the People Pavilion, hosted its first Sports EXPO for its employees and families.
AprVWSA installs a new cutting-edge technology that is a first for its Uitenhage-based manufacturing plant. The Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) system replaced the old traditional roller conveyor and has dramatically improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the production process. VWSA wins the prestigious Skills Development Award at the annual Oliver Empowerment.

In a first for VWSA, production employees with no formal qualifications have successfully undergone training on one of the most sought-after fields in the manufacturing sector. The first 12 Millwright apprentices recently graduated from the Millwright Apprenticeship programme, which was introduced in 2010 through VWSAs Technical Learning Academy (TLA). A Millwright Apprenticeship is a highly sought-after skills training programme which focuses on installing and maintaining electrically automated industrial machinery.

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles enters its fifth year of sponsorship of the Spirit of Africa Trophy with the supply of 23 Amarok Double Cabs. The sponsorship also includes R100 000 prize money for the top three finishers Volkswagen Group delivers 2.40 million vehicles in the first quarter of 2014

• Volkswagen Group sales increase by 5.8%

• VWSA tops the local passenger car market with 23.9% market share

• Audi’s market share in premium segment grows to 24%

• VWSA delivers 28 247 units in the total vehicle market
MayVWSA’s Paint Shop introduces a ground breaking vehicle painting project which has become a benchmark in the entire Volkswagen Group production network. The project, which converts the painting technique to 100% electrostatic (called the Bell Bell process), has resulted in massive reduction in hazardous waste and led to a dramatic improvement in painting efficiency levels. Top management changes at VWSA

• Tom du Plessis, Production Director, takes up a foreign assignment in China to head up Production at Volkswagen Shanghai.

• Antonio Pinto responsible for production at Volkswagen de Mexico appointed as Production Director at VWSA
30th MayVWSAs 500 000th EA111 engine rolled off the Engine Plant production line on Friday, 30 May 2014 marking the 2 millionth engine produced. Locally, the engine is used in the South African top selling Polo and Polo Vivo which is produced at the Volkswagen manufacturing factory in Uitenhage. The start of the EA111 engine production began in 2010 with the Engine Plant producing 89 000 engines. Since then, there has been a steady growth in production volumes with this year production set to reach the 175 000 mark.
JuneVWSA’s Factory Tour vehicle is in operation for one year. Over 8 800 people have experienced a tour of VWSAs manufacturing factory in Uitenhage in comfort and style over the past year. The Volkswagen Factory Tour vehicle was launched in June 2013, allowing visitors to rest their feet, sit back and enjoy the ride whilst witnessing the intricate manufacturing process of the current best-selling passenger cars in South Africa, Polo Vivo and Polo.

Ermelo Volkswagen is announced as the Volkswagen Dealer of the Year at the annual gala dinner. Other than excelling in all major business disciplines, the Dealer of the Year; must also be profitable. The 11 best performing dealerships are invited into the Club of Excellence, where the overall best performer is awarded with the Dealer of the Year Status. The Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Dealer of the Year award went to McCarthy Witbank Commercial Vehicles. The award for the Dealer Group of the Year was presented to Unitrans.

VWSA accepts the International Association of Business Communicator’s (IABC) highest award for Internal Communication Research in Toronto, Canada. VWSA’s Communication Division received the prestigious IABC Gold Quill Award of Excellence and also walked away with the Best of the Best, Award in their category of Internal Communication Research for their project on Research for Improved Shop Floor Communication.
18th JulyIn support of Nelson Mandela Day on July 18, VWSA Show of Hands volunteers dedicated their time and skills to repair and brighten up the Alfonso Arries Primary School in Port Elizabeth. The International Nelson Mandela Day volunteer action marks the 11th community volunteer project initiated by Volkswagen since 2011 in their Show of Hands employee volunteerism campaign. Nearly 1,000 employees have participated in the campaign to date.
JulyVWSA included in international training programme. Students in the field of Mechatronics get an enhanced training experience through an innovative apprenticeship programme offered at Volkswagen’s Uitenhage plant. In Nov last year, VWSA teamed up with Port Elizabeth College, the merSETA and a Johannesburg-based development agency, the Swiss-South African Cooperation Initiative (SSACI), to pilot an apprenticeship programme based on the widely admired Swiss and German ‘dual system’. This system advocates that the apprentices alternate every two weeks between the college and the company, thereby acquiring and practicing in quick succession the knowledge and skills of the mechatronics trade.

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles extends its rhino protection partnership with the Wilderness Foundation for another year with the sponsorship of six new Amarok double cabs. The R2-million sponsorship is Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles contribution to the Forever Wild Rhino Protection Initiative pioneered by the Wilderness Foundation.
8th AugThe Premier of the Eastern Cape, Phumulo Masualle, visited VWSA’s plant in Uitenhage. Premier Masualle and his delegation were hosted by David Powels, Managing Director of Volkswagen Group South Africa (VWSA) and members of VWSA’s Board of Management.
30th AugVWSA rallies to SPCA’s assistance. Over 120 keen VWS) motorcyclists, including their friends and families, rallied together in aid of furry four-legged animals being cared for by the Uitenhage SPCA. The bikers gathered at Volkswagen’s AutoPavilion for the SPCA’s Animal Run – an initiative to raise funds and collect pet food for the SPCA Uitenhage kennels.
AugVWSA hosts its second Product Experience for employees. From 28 July to 8 Aug, VWSA employees had chance to experience first-hand the advanced new Polo plus other Volkswagen, Audi and Volkswagen Commercial vehicles. In total, there were 31 vehicles available to experience. Over 3 500 employees experienced the test drives during this period, which equates to 91% of the employees having had experiences a test drive in wide range of Volkswagen, Audi and Volkswagen Commercial vehicles.

For the third consecutive year VWSA has won the prestigious SJM Flex Environmental Award – the Exporters Club top annual environmental accolade. VWSA beat other major exporters by being awarded the coveted environmental award as well as the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of the year award at the annual banquet of the Exporters Club of South Africa: Eastern Cape, held at the Port Elizabeth Boardwalk Convention Centre in Aug 2014.

Winners of the 2014 Spirit of Africa competition finals announced. Carel Otto and his wife, Danielle, are the 2014 Spirit of Africa Trophy champions. The couple, who received R50 000 prize money for their achievement, was announced as overall winners after successfully negotiating five days of gruelling 4×4 driving challenges in Botswana.
3rd SeptVWSA hosts an event in Port Elizabeth to recognise its best performing suppliers in 2013. The annual event was hosted by the Managing Director, David Powels. The suppliers that excelled in 2013 were: Borbet SA – Continuous Optimisation / Kromberg and Schubert – Sustainability / SMA Engineering – Reliability / Valeo – Quality and Principal Plastics – Champion of the Region

Team Zietlow attempts for their third World Record Drive. Their especially equipped Volkswagen Touareg V6 TDI will race from Nordkap, Norway, to Cape Agulhas in South Africa.

VWSA’s Customer Interaction Centre wins two gold awards at the Contact Centre Management Groups Annual Contact Centre Awards held in Johannesburg. The Customer Interaction Centre received gold awards for Best Supervisor and Best Workforce planner. In addition to this, the centre scooped a silver award for Best Contact Centre Manager and a bronze award for Best Contact Centre Service Professional.
13th OctAmarok embarks on its third Voetspore expedition with Johan Badenhorst and his team. This year’s expedition, known as Voetspore in the Groot Skeurvallei van Afrika/Voetspore in Africa’s Great Rift Valley, went through 13 countries starting from Mozambique and finishing in Ethiopia where Rift Valley starts.
27th OctTeam Zietlow sets another world record drive in Volkswagen Touareg. Team Zietlow had set a target of covering 17 000 km through 18 countries in under 10 days. Unfortunately, Team Zietlow’s world record drive attempt was untimely interrupted on Saturday, 27 Sept in Iringa, Tanzania (about 450km west of Dar es Salaam) after a head-on collision with a local car. Despite a two-week delay, the Touareg reached its final destination at Cape Agulhas on Sunday evening, 11 Oct.

Swiss Ambassador, Christian Meuwly visits VWSA’s Technical Learning Academy to meet the apprentices on the ground-breaking Dual System Apprenticeship Programme.

VWSA extends its social investment commitment to supporting early childhood development with the sponsorship of 10 Polos.

The partnership with the Centre for Early Childhood Development (CECD) started in 2008 with the sponsorship of Citi Golfs which were later replaced with Polo Vivos.
2nd NovVolkswagen is announced as the best motor manufacturer in rental and leasing by the members of SAVRALA (South African Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association) for the fifth consecutive year.

Volkswagen also received gold awards in leasing and rental categories. Furthermore, Volkswagen employees Queen Ramaliwa and Lutendo Mudau received gold awards for best rental executive in rental and best technical representative in both leasing and rental respectively. Audi received a bronze award in the Manufacturer of the Year – Rental category. This was the second consecutive year that Audi won a bronze award in this category and the only premium brand to receive an award on the evening.

For the fourth consecutive year, VWSA is certified by the Top Employer Institute as a Top Employer in South Africa.

Volkswagen partners with the 2014 Nike Soweto Marathon as the official vehicle sponsor. The Peoples Race takes place on Sunday, 2 Nov from Nasrec Expo Centre.

The Volkswagen Group presented its ‘Best Trainee Award 2014’ to its top young achievers from all over the world. Two of VWSA’s employees, Fanisile Momo and Simone Starkey, were among the 43 talent recipients at this year’s international awards.

Over 500 VWSA employees and learners are awarded various certificates of achievement at the biennial Graduation Ceremony held at the Uitenhage plant. The development and training of all employees is a priority for VWSA and the Volkswagen Learning Academy is an essential element in achieving these goals. It has been providing high-quality training to all levels of employees within Volkswagen for the past 25 years.

VWSA announces changes at the helm. David Powels, Managing Director of VWSA has been appointed as President of Volkswagen do Brasil. Thomas Schäfer appointed as Managing Director of VWSA. These changes will be in effect from Feb 2015.
15th NovVWSA again scoops the highest accolade at the WasteCon Top Green Organisation Gala Event, which took place in East London. VWSA enhanced its environment sustainability credentials when it won the Large Organisation Category with High Impact in the Environmental and the Clean Production fields. This is the second time that VWSA has won this category.
DecVWSA hosts its employees and loved-one at a festive and fun filled Family Day on Saturday, 15 Nov at its manufacturing factory in Uitenhage. Over 14 000 people braved the inclement weather to attend the event themed My Day Our Day. The entertainment line-up included renowned stand-up comedians, Tumi Morake and Nik Rabinowitz. The car enthusiasts were treated to a display of Volkswagen Group vehicles such as Lamborghini, Porsche, Bentley and Scania Trucks.

VWSA is the first automotive manufacturing company in South Africa to achieve the international ISO 50001 certification for its energy management systems implemented at both the Uitenhage and Port Elizabeth plants.

New Touareg launched – Volkswagen Touareg combines comfort and convenience features of a superior SUV with the all-terrain attributes of a sophisticated off-road vehicle. This configuration of the four-wheel drive Volkswagen sports utility vehicle, which doubles as a robust and capable off-roader for any adventure into the bush, gives it a fascination all of its own.
15th DecNew Jetta launched – Since Jettas first introduced in South Africa in 1980, over 273 000 units of Jettas have been sold locally.

Designers have redesigned the front and rear ends to make the new Jetta sportier and modern. The aerodynamics have been improved resulting in 10% reduction of the air drag. The interior design has been refreshed to ensure that the new Jetta is more sophisticated than before.

Audi South Africa announces an exciting new partnership which sees the brand being the Official Vehicle Partner to the Proteas and Cricket South Africa (CSA).  
Amarok Double Cab Automatic now available in 4×2 – The Amarok Double Cab has revolutionised the local 1-tonne bakkie market since its introduction in Sept 2010. One of the innovative technologies that Amarok introduced into the local bakkie segment was the 8-speed automatic transmission in Jan 2013. Customers can now order the Amarok Double Cab Automatic with a rear-wheel drive system.

In 2014, AUDI AG exceeded its goal of 1.7 million deliveries. By year-end, the company handed over around 1,741,100 cars to customers, 10.5 percent more than in 2013. This strong worldwide growth was complemented by an impressive performance in the South African market as well, with the brand maintaining its position in the market. The total premium market increased from 85,075 units in 2013 to 86,567 units in 2014, despite the decline of the total vehicle market. The Audi brand achieved a full-year share of 21.2 percent of the premium market having delivered 18,375 units to the market.

New Scirocco launched in SA – Volkswagen presented the new Scirocco which has been refreshed with new exterior and interior designs. Two generations of the Scirocco were built in a space of 18 years between 1974 and 1992 with production totaling 795 734 units. The third generation Scirocco was launched in 2008 (2009 in South Africa). By the end of 2013, over 212 450 Sciroccos had been produced at the Volkswagen factory in Palmela, Portugal.
18th JanVFL Wolfsburg plays against Chippa United in an international friendly at the Wolfson Stadium. Final score is 4 – 3 to VFL Wolfsburg.
FebThomas Schaefer appointed as Managing Director of VWSA from Feb 2015.

Volkswagen expanding transformation in its dealer network. VWSA continued on its road to transformation in the dealer network by expanding the candidate intake of its Dealer Principal Apprentice Programme (DPAP). The programme has grown from five candidates in its first intake, to 17 this year. The selection criteria is very specific, focusing on experience and development potential that will benefit the transformation of the VWSA Dealer network.

Volkswagen and Audi featured on the top of their categories in the Car Magazine Top 12 Best Buys for 2015. VW Polo won the Light Hatchback category, VW Polo Vivo won the Light Sedan category and Audi A3 / A3 Sportback won the Compact Hatchback category.
26th FebThe Volkswagen supported African Penguin and Seabird Sanctuary (APSS) was officially opened in Gansbaai on 26th Feb. The APSS serves as a custom-designed, world class, marine bird rehabilitation centre to provide temporary rehabilitative care to diseased, displaced, injured, oiled and abandoned marine birds – with a special focus on the endangered African Penguin.

Audi South Africa introduced the third generation of the Audi TT Coupé to the South African market. The compact sports car captivates as a design icon with the driving dynamics of a genuine sports car and a revolutionary, fully digital cockpit.
27th & 28th FebThe Volkswagen Sasol racing team heads to KwaZulu-Natal for round one of the 2015 national rally championship.

To start off the new season, the Volkswagen Sasol racing team will be showcasing their new rally livery with Hans Weijs Jnr and Björn Degandt, Henk Lategan and Barry White and Gugu Zulu and Pierre Arries rallying their Volkswagen Sasol racing Polo S2000s.
MarVWSA-DAAD International Chair in Automotive Engineering continues successful growth.

The extension of the VWSA-DAAD International Chair in Automotive Engineering at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University was signed and will continue enhancing automotive engineering following the extension of the joint agreement for a further two years. Signing the contact were: Thomas Schaefer (VWSA Managing Director), Professor Udo Bekker (Head of the Chair) and Professor Derrick Swartz (NMMU Vice Chancellor).

Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles and one of its dealer franchises, Barons Volkswagen joined forces to provide support vehicles for this year’s Unogwaja Challenge. Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles and Barons Volkswagen will provide six vehicles – four Amarok Double Cabs, a Transporter Crew Bus and Transporter Panel Van – for the 2015 Unogwaja Challenge.

The Unogwaja Challenge, now entering its fifth year, will start on 21 May 2015 in Cape Town and end in Pietermaritzburg 10 days later. This year’s Challenge has eleven local and international cyclists riding over 1 700km and then running the iconic 89km Comrades, the world’s oldest and largest ultramarathon from Durban to Pietermaritzburg on 31 May 2015.
AprBarons Pietermaritzburg was bestowed the award of the best Volkswagen Dealership in South Africa in 2014. Volkswagen hosted its annual gala dinner in Apr to honour the best performing Dealerships in different categories which included Dealer of the Year and Dealer Group of the Year.

Volkswagen launches the Golf SV to the South African market. The Golf SV is all-new model that is packed with all the advanced technology of the award-winning Golf hatchback range, but it has a larger and more practical body.

The New Polo GTI is launched in South Africa. Volkswagen introduced the eagerly anticipated new Polo GTI with power output of 141 kW (9 kW more than its predecessor).

Volkswagen introduces Golf GTI derivative with enhanced performance in South Africa. Volkswagen expanded the best-selling Golf GTI offering with an introduction of the new derivative, Golf GTI Performance Pack.
MayImproved power and styling – the new Audi A6 and Audi A7 Sportback is launched in South Africa. Extensively redesigned – The new Audi A1 and A1 Sportback. The Audi A1 range represents all of the virtues of the Audi brand with its progressive design, uncompromising quality and ground-breaking efficiency, catering to its modern customer target market – a young, urban, lifestyle-oriented individual.

Volkswagen welcomes new brand ambassadors – Pearl Thusi and Xolani Gwala. Television celebrity, Pearl Thusi and 702 radio presenter, Xolani Gwala are the new Volkswagen Brand ambassadors. Pearl and Xolani will be driving a Tiguan and a Touareg respectively for the next 12 months as part of their brand ambassadorial role for the Volkswagen Brand.

VWSA’s Paint Shop introduced advanced automated robot technology in the Base Coat Interior painting process which has resulted in a massive reduction in hazardous waste and led to a dramatic improvement in painting efficiency levels. This fully automated interior painting process has yielded cost savings due to a more controlled paint application process which reduces overspray and waste. Improved quality, consistency and productivity are also beneficial advantages of this new process.

The VW Community Trust handed more than R540 000 to various Nelson Mandela Bay charities – the second of such donations made by the trust this year. Since its inception in 1989, the trust has implemented a programme of strategic giving through partnerships with community NGOs. The five charities which benefitted from the R542 910 donation included SAMREC, Township Junior Rugby Development Programme, Ilitha Education Enhancement Centre, Star of Hope Rugby Football Club and UBomi Obutsha Centre
29th MayVolkswagen invests over R2.5 million to improve education. VW through its partners, Qhubeka, World Vision South Africa and World Vision Switzerland handed over 600 bicycles to the learners of 11 rural schools in the Nkonkobe district in Eastern Cape as part of the Bicycle Education Empowerment Programme (BEEP). This brings the total number of Volkswagen’s sponsored bicycles handed over to the rural schools in the past two months to 1 100, following 500 bicycles that were delivered to nine rural schools in Umzimkhulu, KwaZulu Natal in Apr.
JuneAudi introduced updated Audi Q3 model. As Audi’s most compact Q model, the Audi Q3 offers all the inherent Q-DNA, but in a more exciting and dynamic package. Since introduction in 2012, the Q3 has sold in excess of 5,000 units locally, making it a top performer in the compact premium SUV segment. With the introduction of the refreshed Audi Q3 range, greater performance, more equipment and a more aggressive design is offered.

Audi South Africa remains number 1 in Customer Service. Ipsos South Africa, part of the second largest survey-based market research company in the world, announced the 2015 customer experience awards for the past year. Audi South Africa is proud to have retained the number one position for customer experience in the South African motor industry for the fourth consecutive year. The German premium brand took the Gold award in the passenger car sales survey as well as Gold for the service experience making Audi the only brand in the industry to receive a clean sweep in both categories.

Volkswagen added a special edition derivative to its best-selling Polo Vivo model range. Polo Vivo has sold nearly 175 000 units since its market introduction in Mar 2010. With the introduction of special edition Polo Vivo Eclipse, Volkswagen has another derivative to help it sustain its A0 market segment dominance.
6th JuneInaugural VW Family Run hosted at the People Pavilion. The first-ever VW Family Fun Run took place with over 500 VWSA employees, family and community members running through the Uitenhage plant.
18th JuneVWSA’s Managing Director Thomas Schaefer together with over 240 other South African business leaders, joined in the inaugural 702 Sun International CEO Sleep Out, and slept out on one of the coldest nights, as thousands of homeless do daily.

The aim was to not only to create much-needed awareness for this cause, but to raise funds as each of the CEOs undertook to personally raise R100 000 before the actual sleepout. VWSA’s employees also dug deep and together, managed to raise over R36 000 to contribute to the cause.
9th July650 000th EA111 Engine is produced at VWSA
12th AugVolkswagen Show of Hands volunteers dedicated their time and skills making story books for and reading to Grade 3 children from previously disadvantaged schools in Nelson Mandela Bay. Dedicating more than 67 minutes, the 30 Volkswagen volunteers including Managing Director Thomas Schaefer and his wife Wendy, took four hours out of their Saturday afternoon to help reduce functional illiteracy. Some of the volunteers cut, stapled and packed story books for the children, while others read and told stories to the 85 children present on the day. The children were from Ilinge Primary School, Uitenhage Primary School and Phakamile Primary School, all schools in the Uitenhage area. The highlight of the day was the handing over of three mobile libraries to the schools with a value of R20 000. In addition, R30 000 worth of books were also donated to the schools.

Lonwabo Sila had dreamt of designing a car for the past seven years and on 12 Aug 2015 his dream became a reality. As part of the Reach for a Dream initiative, the 17 year-old Lonwabo spent a day at the Volkswagen Motorsport in Uitenhage to learn what being a car designer entails.
3rd SeptThe Volkswagen Community Trust celebrated its 25th anniversary by launching a flagship initiative that is aimed at promoting meaningful literacy in the first 10 years of a child’s life. The Early Childhood Development initiative will focus on reducing functional illiteracy, education and mental stimulation of young children. The two-day celebration, coincided with National Book Week, saw a Book Fair taking place were over 200 children were involved in various group activities which aimed to foster a love for reading. The event was also attended by a high-level delegation on education led by the Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga along with leading education researchers, celebrated authors and thought leaders.
2nd OctThe Eastern Cape Institute of Architects (ECIA) has recognised Volkswagen’s People Pavilion as one of the Eastern Cape’s leading architectural buildings at a prestigious ceremony in Port Elizabeth recently. Adendorff Architects and Interiors, based in Port Elizabeth, received the award for outstanding work on the design and construction of the new Volkswagen People Pavilion building and sports field in Uitenhage
7th OctAs part of the Volkswagen for Good campaign, Volkswagen Group South Africa (VWSA) addressed the impact of poor eyesight as a stumbling block to Early Childhood Development. It was for this reason that VWSA funded spectacles for Grade 3 learners in primary schools around Uitenhage. Eleven learners from Phakamile, Ilinge and Uitenhage Primary Schools, were the first beneficiaries of spectacles, with a bigger rollout planned to address the poor eyesight of all the learners in these three schools.
13th OctVWSA employee, Chemical Engineer Sinazo Cebisa, was amongst the best apprentices honoured by Volkswagen Group in Germany. The Volkswagen Group presented its “Best Apprentice Awards 2015” to young top achievers from all over the world at Group headquarters in Wolfsburg. The awards went to 45 apprentices from 19 countries on five continents. The award-winners demonstrated convincing performance and specialist competence during their apprenticeships. Throughout the world, the Volkswagen Group is training about 20 000 young people.
22nd OctA Flash Red, Cross Polo destined for a customer in Austria was the 500 000th Volkswagen Polo to be manufactured at the Uitenhage plant, in South Africa. The half-millionth Polo produced by Volkswagen in Uitenhage left the line in the presence of the Premier of the Eastern Cape Phumulo Masualle, the Deputy Premier of Lower Saxony Stefan Wenzel as well as the Executive Mayor of the Nelson Mandela Metro Danny Jordaan who were hosted by Managing Director of Volkswagen Group South Africa, Thomas Schaefer.
28th OctDeputy Premier Wenzel and a delegation comprising of 60 German business people, politicians and academics were in the Eastern Cape to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of the twinning of Lower Saxony and the Eastern Cape and took the opportunity to visit Volkswagen’s manufacturing factory in Uitenhage.
29th OctVolkswagen Group South Africa was recognised by the Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber at its annual Health and Wellness Awards. Volkswagen was awarded the Health and Wellness Award for a Large Enterprise. This was for work done with the health check-ups, HIV counselling and testing, chronic conditions clinics, rehabilitation programme at the People Pavilion Gym, Peer Educator programme and the Weight Loss Challenge.
12th NovVolkswagen was announced by the South African Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association (SAVRALA) as the Manufacturer of The Year for the sixth consecutive year. The announcement was made at the annual SAVRALA gala dinner which also marked the 20th anniversary of the organisation.
13th NovVolkswagen Group South Africa’s manufacturing plant in Uitenhage is the first of the 119 production plants in the Volkswagen

Group production network to receive the ISO9001:2015 standard certification from TÜV NORD Hanover. It took the VWSA‘s Quality Assurance department just six weeks to meet the requirements of the new ISO9001:2015 standard. The annual Management System audit undertaken by TÜV NORD Hanover from 2 – 10 Nov, shows that VWSA is compliant with the new ISO9001:2015, VDA6.1 and Conformity of Production standards. This achievement guarantees that the Uitenhage plant has the management systems in place as a pre-requisite for export to international customers; it also ensures the continuation of VWSA’s export programme and provides assurance to customers, suppliers and employees that VWSA is compliant with international standards.
30th NovVolkswagen Group delivers 8.26 million vehicles to customers worldwide in first 10 months and VWSA dominates local passenger car market.
3rd DecVolkswagen’s People Pavilion draws 3000 market-goers at inaugural Market Day. Visitors were treated to a feast of activities; dog shows, vintage cars, children’s entertainment.
4th DecVolkswagen Community Trust donates over half a million to local charities. Seven Nelson Mandela Bay charities, latest beneficiaries of the Volkswagen for Good initiative. This year the Volkswagen Community Trust has supported 27 local charities with quarterly donations amounting to over R2 million

Volkswagen Crafters continue to move kids forward in the Nelson Mandela Metro. Three Volkswagen Crafters were handed over to local charities, namely House of Resurrection, Masifunde and United through Sport. The handover is part of the Volkswagen for Good Campaign  
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