After a hard day at the office, I felt like a cheer-me-up uplifting story, something that would elevate me morally & emotionally. With its numerous problems – many self-inflicted – South Africa offers a smorgasbord of topics on which to vent one’s ire. Foremost amongst them are the avalanche of corruption claims and its handmaiden – incompetence.
PRASA’s – the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa – “faux pas” of ordering trains which were too “tall” for the electric lines transformed into a race issue when the CEO of PRASA – one Lucky Montana – accused the Bleed Newspaper’s white reporter of being anti-black for breaking the story.
Main picture: Their first flight
Upon closer inspection by the press, it was then cast aspersions on the qualifications of the Chief of Engineering, Dr Daniel Mtimkulu, when Wits University denied ever having an engineering student by that name. Moreover as if to lend credence to the dispute, the Professional Engineering Society confirmed that his application for membership had been denied.
A more depressing story which has been circulating since the release of RW Johnson’s book How Long Will South Africa Survive? The Looming Crisis has been the discussions on whether – as Johnson predicts – South Africa will last another two years. That is a story for another day.
Instead of those serious demoralising stories, some stunning photographs will perhaps uplift the mood.

A Full Circle Rainbow

Abandoned Parisian Railway

An Airplane’s View Of A Distant Storm

Beautiful Barn Conversion

Coal Train At Sunset

Creative Mirror Positioning

Down The Spiral Staircase

Dubai – Cloud City

Easter Island Sunrise

Flyby Eclipse

Forces Of Nature

Forest on Shipwreck

Just Room Enough for One Island

Light Show at the Grand Canyon

Moon Jelly

Olympic Moonrise

Open Water Roll Cloud

Praising The Sun

San Francisco is Steep

Shelf Cloud Over Timisoara

Sunset In Santorini

Tail-Pinching Buddha

The Eye Of The Moon

The Heat Of The Moment

The Sky Whale

The Studley Tool Chest

Time-Lapse Moonrise Over LA

UFO Spotted In Seattle

Underwater Perfection

Waterspouts Over The Adriatic

When Art Meets Nature

Whiskey On The Rocks . . . Ahhhh

World’s Coolest Duck .. . . Ever!