According to an intermediary who I was using to contact Jammie, he professed to be a “very private person“. Hence he was hoping that by ignoring me, I would just disappear. Like an irritating fly, I would buzz around periodically making my presence known. Then one day, out of the blue, he relented. He announced in a telephone call that he would talk. In providing him with examples of the other reports and interviews I was hoping that he would relent and provide me with a peek in the man himself, what motivated him and perhaps even reveal an amusing incident or two, but it was not to be. Instead what he provided was a straight telling of his career at Alex. More’s the pity. Hence Jannie will remain an enigma to me. Nonetheless, I would like to thank Jannie profusely for producing a thorough professional report.
Naturally Jannie’s report is written in the first person but wherever I have elaborated on his report, it will be in the third person.
Main picture: Jannie and Joan Fourie in 1995
Academic Qualifications:
- 1957 B.A. Phys. Ed. Degree: University of Stellenbosch
- 1958 Senior Teacher’s Diploma: University of Stellenbosch
- 1973 B Ed Degree: UPE
Teaching Experience: Jannie commenced his teaching career by being appointed at Alexander Road High School in 1959. He would also end is teaching career at Alex in 1975.

I attribute my success as a very young teacher to the friendliness and professional assistance I received from the experienced teachers who were most willing to assist me in finding my way in the very challenging world of teaching.
Subjects Taught -1959-1975
- Afrikaans standards 6-10
- Subject head: Afrikaans after the previous head retired.
- Physical Education: Boys standards 6-10
- Social Studies standard 6
- Sports coaching
I was requested to organise and present the annual inter-house athletics meeting from my first year of teaching. Without the necessary athletics facilities it was a problem, but which we solved by obtaining the playing fields at the recreation grounds at 3rd Avenue, Newton Park. The actual annual inter-house meeting was held at the Westbourne Oval. Alexander Road High was soon in a position to field an inter-schools team for participation against.

Cricket Coaching
In the first number of years of teaching, I was responsible for coaching the U/14 and U/15 cricket, which I found most enjoyable.

I began my rugby coaching career at Alexander Road High in 1959, taking charge of the U/14 and U/15 teams. The boys were keen and willing to train hard. A number of these boys later played for the school’s first team and even later for the Eastern Province senior team.

Our senior teams at Alexander Road found the going hard and we only competed in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th leagues with our 1st, 2nd and 3rd teams. To arouse the boys’ interest in playing rugby, Mr. de Lange organised four tours to as far afield as Harare in Zimbabwe, Durban, Bloemfontein and Witbank. Soon these senior rugby teams showed the positive effect of the tours and started winning against schools known for their good rugby. In this regard Alex won against Cillie High School, Brandwag High School, Andrew Rabie High School and Muir College, Uitenhage. Alexander Road High was no longer a walk over in the first league’s schools rugby competition in Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage.

Training of Prefects
I assisted Mr. Welsh and senior teachers in the training and development of the school’s prefects. We visited places of interest such as Ford, General Motors and the S.A. Broadcasting Corporation, Grahamstown. We met regularly to discuss problems encountered in dealing with pupils in general when the prefects were required to maintain discipline.

Fun Games
The teachers annually played a hockey match against the girls’ hockey team. This was an event enjoyed by all, especially the teachers who won every match. The outcome was naturally contested by the girls. They complained of the tactics of the teachers’ team, which were against the rules of the ‘traditionalists’ amongst the girls’ supporters. Fortunately nobody was ever injured. In the next photo there are many of the ‘old timers’ such as Messrs. Cordingley, Simms, Welsh, de Lange, van der Merwe, Trehaeven, Jannie Fourie, Miss Wienand, and Miss de Jongh.

End of an Era
Although I was extremely happy at Alexander Road High, I began to realise that I had to change my then current position for a more promising career which would offer me something more promising as far as promotion was concerned.
1975 Department of Sport and Recreation
I then applied for a position in the above department and was transferred to the regional office of the Department, Port Elizabeth as liaison officer.
In the following year I was promoted to and served as Regional Head, Border Region with the office in East London. After four years I was promoted to Regional Head, Eastern Province Region, with the office in Port Elizabeth. I was then promoted to Head Office, Pretoria and served in several senior positions. Finally, I was appointed Director: Administration at Head office in Pretoria – a position I held until I retired. Our two doctor daughters and their families live close by.