Without proper quays until the construction of the Charl Malan quay in 1933, several extemporised solutions were devised to cater for loading/offloading passengers both human and non-human.
This blog is a pictorial presentation of how the challenges were addressed.
Main picture: Passengers being lowered in basket lift
Human passengers
Initially when the 1820 Settlers arrived in Algoa Bay, the ships had to anchor in the roadstead. The passengers would then clamber down into skiffs and when close to the shore, they were carried on the shoulders of the sailors aboard the HMS Menai commanded by Moresby.
Later on this role was fulfilled by the Mfengu beach labourers. A much later innovation was the introduction of wicker baskets shown below.

Horses and other animals
At least humans had an option of when and whether to be offloaded whereas the animals were at the mercy of the offloaders. Aspects such as safety in these cases was not a consideration.