Never once did my father ever discuss his involvement in WW2 let alone regale us with stories of the war. Today I bemoan the fact that he was not more open & forthright about his participation; any vignette, however mundane, would have provided an insight into what he had to endure, what was risible and what was hilarious.
Despite the fact that he had contracted polio as a youngster, and hence was technically not eligible for military service, yet he duly and dutifully volunteered.
Military duties comprise two categories: active service and non-active service. The latter encompasses experiences such as how they survived on a litre of water per day, the scorching heat or the cloying oppressively, hot southerly khamsin winds. In my father’s case, being an artificer and a driver precluded him from direct contact with the enemy. Nevertheless, all of his other experiences could have provided a valuable peep into a lost world.
This blog is solely based upon his Military Record which Steve Groeneveld, a running friend, has been able to obtain from the military document centre in Pretoria.
Main picture: Harry Clifford McCleland in military attire
The only “memorabilia” of my dad’s wartime experiences were a number of pieces of military equipment – a hand grenade, a 6-pounder shell and a 25-pounder shell casing – and about a dozen photographs.
While he might never have discussed his wartime activities and experiences, what he was vocal about was his views on war. Sometimes when Blaine and I re-enacted WW2 battles in the backyard, he would make some scathing comment sotto voco about not comprehending the reality of war. I was keenly aware of his abhorrence to war in any form, and hence attributed his unequivocal and unabashed atheism to this fact. What also no doubt contributed to his antipathy to religion was his bitter experiences as a boarder in an Afrikaans Boarding School in Alexandria as a young child. Suffice to say, both were immensely formative periods in his life. By extension, how could God allow such despicable acts and behaviour? Without it sounding too melodramatic, both episodes in his life were formative.

Personal details:
Force number: 114184V
Name: Harry Clifford McCleland
Date attested: 10th July 1940 [29 years old]
Unit: 5th Field Regiment S.A. Artillery [Pretoria Regiment]
Occupation: Carpenter
Religion: Church of England
Date of birth: 15th September 1911

1939-45 Star |
Africa Star |
The War Medal 1939-45 |
Africa Service Medal |
8th Army Clasp |
As the original medals have been lost, I am in the process of purchasing replacement medals. Once acquired, I will mount them together with his cap badge in a frame. The ultimate intention is to create a similar montage with my grandfather’s medals.

Initial postings:
- Gunner 5th Field Brigade, 14th Battery, Piet Retief on 10th June 1940
- 114/84 Gunner 14 Battery, 5th Field Brigade, S.A.A. Piet Retief on 12th December 1940

Initial promotions:
- “B” Class Artisan at 7/- per diem from 25/5/1941 [FO 8/41/420 M.E.]
- Promoted to Cpl “B” Class Artisan at 10/- per diem from 2/6/1941 [FO 8/41/420 M.E.]

Summary of Movements:
All movements by military personnel were performed in terms of an Order. During this period, two types of Orders were used:
- UO or Union Orders. These were issued in respect of all personnel movements within the borders of South Africa
- FO or Field Orders were issued for all movements in the field of battle. In this case, they were suffixed by an abbreviation M.E. meaning Middle East.
As the military were not permitted to be deployed externally, they had to individually consent to be employed “overseas.” Furthermore, there was a distinction between Permanent Force and Volunteers with the volunteers having a Force Number suffixed with a V.

Date | Particulars |
10/7/1940 | Attested |
2/7/1941 | Embarked at Durban per 22 “Delwara” for Middle East with 5 Field Regiment SAA |
12/8/1941 | Disembarked at Suez |
11/12/1942 | Embark at Suez (1st SA Division Workshop) ER 154 |
1/1/1943 | Disembark at Durban |
9/1/1946 | Discharged |

Hospital record:
Date | Nature | Location | Hospital | Remarks & references |
14/12/1940 | Abscess-back | In the Field | A Coy 12 Field Ambulance | Trf to C.C.S. 14/12/41 (H.R. 139) |
21/12/1941 | Abscess-back | M.E.F. | 18th Field Hospital | E.3 (HR 391) Trf to SA Base Hosp 23/12/41 |
19/2/1943 | Circumcision | 21 xxxx | No 119 Mil | Class D Med 110/47 return to duty 7/4/43 (14 days SL) Cat B1 (DD Med 25) 13/4/43 |

Detailed Record of Service:
Date | Particulars | Reference |
10/7/1940 | Posted to 4th Battery, Field Brigade | UO 5/40/119 |
Blank | Transfer from 14th Battery to “A” Battery H.Q. | 41/119 |
2/7/1941 | Embarked at Durban per 22 “Delwara” for Middle East with 5 Field Regiment SAA | ER 329 |
12/8/1941 | Disembarked at Suez | F.O. 8/41/420 M.E. |
8/5/1941 | Attached to Technical Services Workshop Premier Mine from A.T.C at Potchefstroom | UO 19/41/363A |
25/5/1941 | Taken on strength of “T” Services, remustered and attached 50 Field Regiment SAA | UO 117/41/144 |
25/5/1941 | On strength Technical Service Workshop Premier Mine from XXX Artillery S.A.A. | UO 23/41/363A |
25/5/1941 | Rxxxxxet Corporal B Class to Acting Lance Corporal | UO 23/41/363A |
28/5/1941 | Transfer from Technical Workshop G to A.T.C Potchefstroom | UO 22/41/363A |
28/5/1941 | Transfer from Technical Services Workshop to attached 2nd Division | UO 23/41/363A |
2/6/1941 | Attached 5th Field Regiment SAA (P.R.) Ex Technical Services Workshops General | UO 30/41/363A |
2/6/1941 | Promoted from Gxx to T/Corporal (B Class) | UO 30/41/363A |
Unknown | Attached to 5 Field Regiment SAA Piet Retief Ex Technical Services | UO 5/41/119 |
14/12/1941 | Admin to XXX and placed on General List from 5th Field Regiment S.A.A. F.O. 22/42/420 M.E.] | |
27/3/1942 | On strength T.S.C. General List ex 1 Con Depot | F.O. 114/42/479 ME |
27/3/1942 | Off strength General List | |
28/3/1942 | XXX List Personnel TSC on posting to 5th Field Regiment S.A.A | FO 17/42/479 ME |
22/4/1942 | On Strength T.S.C. General List ex 12 Field Ambulance | FO 32/42/479 ME |
22/4/1942 | Off strength T.S.C. General List | |
2/7/1942 | Posted to 1 S.A. Division Workshops | FO 32/42/479 ME |
7/7/1942 | Temporarily detached to 1 SA Division Workshop (T.S.C.) from 5 Field Regiment SAA | FO 30/48/420 ME |
20/7/1942 | Ceases to be attached to 1 SA Division Workshops from 5 Field Battery SAA | FO 30/42/551 ME |
20/7/1942 | Adm Hosp placed on x 2 List | FO 30/42/420 ME |
22/7/1942 | Ceases to be attached to 1 SA Division Workshops on being posted to 1 SA Division Workshops xxxx T.S.C. Gen | FO 32/42/551 ME |
11/12/1942 | Embark at Suez (1st SA Division Workshop) ER 154 | FO 50/42/581 ME |
1/1/1943 | Disembark at Durban | UO 1/43/953 |
1/1/1943 | Adv 2nd XXX. On Strength of 1 Medium Regiment. Posted to 2 Medium Battery (Attached personnel) | UO 21/43/120 |
15/1/1943 | Transfer to Technical Services Workshop Premier Mine from 97 Detail Company T.S.C. | UO 8/43/363 |
11/2/1943 | Reclassify from A.I. to D. 23 Force Troops | UO 9/43/953 |
14/2/1943 | On strength 97 Details TS ex 1 Div W/S | UO 7/43/454 |
15/2/1943 | Transferred to 66 Technical Services General Workshop ex 97 Details TSC | UO 7/43/454 |
25/3/1943 | Sick leave to 7/4/1943 – 14 days | UO 15/43/363A |
5/4/1943 | Rejoined 5 Field Regiment S.A.A from T.S.C. General List x 4 | OO 17/42/420 ME |
19/5/1943 | To 1 Medium Regiment SAA from 66 Technical Service Workshop General T.S.C. Premier Mine | UO 22/43/363A |
3/8/1943 | 1st Medium Regiment S.A.A. (S.A.H.A.) T.S.C. attached Witbank | DD 88.B.R. |
25/9/1943 | C/S 40 1st Medium Regiment SAA | UO 47/43/120 |
4/12/1943 | Unfit for draft | DD xxxx 116 |
8/1/1944 | Off strength 1st Medium Regiment SAA (SAHA) to T.S.C. | UO 2/44/138 |
8/12/1944 | Attached to A.T.C. SAA 1st Medium Regiment SAA | UO 9/44/136 |
17/1/1944 | From ATT ATC (v) SAA Potchefstroom to ATT A&ACTC (v) | UO 14/44/136 |
17/1/1944 | From ATT.ATC (v) SAA to ATT A&ACTC (v) Potch | UO 1/44/1678 |
18/1/1944 | Xxxxx to AIACTC – Potchefstroom | DD (Med) 116 |
27/1/1944 | Class C (CATD) | DD (Med) 74RI |
XXXXXXX | Recl B.1. to C | UO 19/44/1698 |
7/5/1944 | Class C | DD Med 116 |
28/6/1944 | From Armt Artificer “B” to Fitter xxxx (Corporal) | UO 156/44/1698 |
18/8/1944 | Posted to A&ACTC (v) Potch | UO 209/44/1678 |
9/10/1944 | Awarded Africa Star and 8 [Army] Clasp xxx WR 117/17/532(22) | UO 238/44/1678 |
1/10/1944 | Promoted from T/Corporal to T/Sergeant | UO 231/44/1678 |
1/10/1944 | Promoted from Corporal to Sergeant | UO 25/44/1054 |
8/1/1945 | Adm to Military Hospital Potch | UO 8/45/1678 |
15/1/1945 | Discharged from Military Hospital Potch | UO 14/45/1678 |
Blank | Awarded Africa Service Medal | UO 19/42/698 |
22/10/1945 | On strength 6 Heavy Battery SAA ex Artillery – Armoured Corps transfer Centre – Potch | UO 43/45/141 |
22/10/1945 | CTBA to AIRCTC Potch to 6 Heavy Battery (v) SAA Port Elizabeth | UO 245/45/1678 |
19/12/1945 | On strength Assembly Camp – First City Regiment – Port Elizabeth ex 6 Heavy Battery | UO 35/45/2023 |
19/12/1945 | Off strength 6 Heavy Battery SAA Port Elizabeth to Cxxxxx C xxxx- Assembly Camp Port Elizabeth | UO 49/45/14 |
5/1/1946 | Off strength Assembly Company to Demobilisation Centre for Discharge | UO 4/46/2023 |
Miscell | Granted 30 days 11/R.S.L. 4/1/1943 to 2/2/1943 | UO 1/43/907 |
Miscell | Granted 7 days extra R/A | UO 7/43/953 |
Blank | Granted 4 days leave 5/10/1942 to 8/10/1942 | FO 41/42/551 ME |
9/1/1946 | Discharged | UO 4/46/2023 |

From attesting on 10th July 1940 until his final discharge on 9th January 1946, five and a half years later, Harry Clifford McCleland served his country in their time of need. Notwithstanding that, he never experienced one day of active service where his life was endangered.
In reality, it must have largely been a boring, wasteful period of his life. Most probably on discharge, he would have felt the need to compensate for lost time. That is what caused the baby boom as the post war explosion in births was referred to.

Many standard but the occasional idiosyncratic abbreviations are used in the Military Records. This is how they were interpreted.
7/- = 7 shillings
A/L/Cpl = Acting lance corporal
Amb = Ambulance
Armd = Armoured
Art = Artificer
Art = Artillery
A.T.C. = Unknown
Att = Attached
BDG = Brigade
Bty = Battery
Cpl = Corporal
Coy = Company
Demob = Demobilisation
Disc h= Discharge
Div = Division
FO = Field Order
Gnl = General
GNR = Gunner
GUN = Gunner
HB = Heavy battery
Hvy = Heavy
P/Mine = Premier Mine
Prom = Promoted
Reclass = Reclassify
Rej = Rejoined
Reg = Regiment
S.A.A = South African Artillery
SAHA = South African Heavy Artillery
SL = Sick leave
Str = Strength
Temp = Temporarily
Trf = Transferred
UO = Union Order
V = Volunteer
W/S = Workshops
W/Shops = Workshops
XXX = Illegible
Many of the abbreviations used are probably idiosyncratic and were no officially sanctioned. I have included all such abbreviations for the sake of completeness.

Actual military record cards: