Thanksgiving Day is the day that America gives thanks to their God, Mammon, for the bounty they have received. And for this year, their god has dished up a massive bounty for the majority of Americans. We are talking about the people of God’s Own Party, the Republicans. They have been delivered control of the House, the Senate and the Supreme Court, all guided and ruled over by their Ayatollah, the Supreme Turkey embodied on earth by Trump. The Turkeys are running Thanksgiving and, for at least the next four years, will be running the farm and going feral.
Four years ago, SMAC was struck by the two things which characterise Trump verbalisations, whether they be on the stump or during press conferences or tame Faux News interviews; the points that he makes are incoherent and all over the place like his small wandering hands and he never speaks in full sentences. It’s all gobbledygook (or is it Goebbelsdygook). That prompted an idea and a quick sketch which luckily was confined to the dark recesses of the filing cabinet.
Four years later we are not so lucky. After his humiliation by the sentient Zimmer Frame and after numerous civil and criminal court proceedings, like the Nightmare on Elm Street, Freddy’s Back* with a grudge. The Head Turkey’s still strutting around spewing inarticulate sentences and gobbledygook, only more unhinged and now it’s the Turkey who’s gleefully sharpening his knife to get his own back.
This has prompted SMAC to retrieve that sketch and let it see the light of day.
The Three Turkeys, the House, the Senate and the Supreme Court: Just hanging out, talking shit
The 3-in-1 Frankenturkey strutting his stuff, talking shit as usual (or just chatting up a chick, looking for a plucking)
* Fred Trump junior, aka Donald Trump