Historical Monthly Vehicle Sales in SA, 1960 – 2020: A Reflection of Events and Society


  1. June 1976 – Soweto Riots and preceded by the invasion of Angola in October 1975.
  2. 15 August 1985 – Rubicon speech when PW Botha dashed hopes of a ‘soft’ landing for Apartheid.  This had been preceded by more than a year of money outflows and devaluation of the Rand
  3. 27 April 1994 – Democratic elections
  4. 5 October 2007 – Dow peak before subprime crisis
  5. 15 September 2008 – Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy
  6. 27 March 2020 – Covid lockdown


  1. Good economic growth rate in the 60’s and early 70’s.
  2. Tumultuous times and the uncertain future kept sales flat for roughly 26 years.
  3. The rise of the nouveau riche with AA and BEE seriously kicking in.
  4. Subprime crisis and the global recession and its resolution.
  5. The onset of serious state capture and the policy chickens coming home to roost. The drop in car sales started in about 2012 pushing car sales back to 1975 levels although the population had increased by 2.3 times over that period – not a pretty sight and it is mirrored by our massive unemployment and a nearly bankrupt fiscus.

Animal Bridges

Generically these are known as Animals Crossings as any fabricated structure, which facilitates the movements of animals across an impeding obstacle such as roads, or railway line could serve as a crossing. 

However, as the most spectacular crossings are bridges, the focus will be on bridges. 

Main picture: A Green Wildlife Bridge over an Autobahn in Germany

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Seriously Weird Houses

Some people are different especially when they do not want contact with other people. In that case, they will go to extreme lengths to obtain seclusion. Others want their house to be unique. Whatever their reasons, all of these houses reflect the iconoclastic nature of these individuals.

Main picture: Did the finance bank factor in an elevated rate of melting based upon the latest outlook of global warming?

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Can there ever be somebody worse than Sheldon Cooper?

I daresay that some TV watchers have not yet viewed at least a few episodes of the award winning show “The Big Bang Theory.”  If not, they would not have had to wince, cringe or shake their heads in horror at the lead character, Sheldon Cooper, a complex mosaic of child prodigy with a genius level IQ, highly idiosyncratic behaviour, lack of humility, empathy or tolerance of weaknesses in lesser mortals. 

Coupled with a tenuous understanding of humour, he also exhibits extreme difficulty in recognising irony and sarcasm in other people. 

If not, I hereby usher in a whole host of similar infuriating geniuses except that they actual operate in the real world. 

Main picture: Technically correct, but why be condescending?

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Unsafe Acts

As the maxim states, “Different strokes for different folks.” That is great as far as it goes but these antics are downright dangerous, death defying even. Either they cannot foresee the consequences of their actions or they have a death wish. Whatever it is, does not make a difference, as either way, they will not survive to old age.

Or maybe I am a wussie and too risk averse.

Main picture: Would you allow somebody to angle grind using your back as a work bench?

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